So, some folks have expressed their interest in final dispositors in the past, and asked what it is and what it does. So this is a bit of a long ass post which has taken me a few days to write, but hopefully it explains.
What is it: Its the one placement that rules your chart (not to be confused with a chart ruler, as that is one planet that rules your chart) Its basically one ring to rule them all. The word dispositor sounds like disposition… that’s exactly what it is and does. It lends a disposition to your personality and placements that fall below it.
Where is it: Not always present in a chart. Only some folks have a final dispositor. And it can be somewhat of a rarity.
How do I find it: Your chart actually has to have a planet that falls into its own sign. This is called a dignity or exaltation. And finding the tree is tricky. But you basically start with a planet that falls into its own sign, ie: the sign it rules. Then you look at what else falls into that sign (and for this to work, there must be another sign) then you follow it around, using the ruler of the last sign, and seeing what is placed with it. Not all your placements will fall beneath it (only some) Some have small trees… others, big.
Rules: You can only have one planet that falls into its own sign – ie, only one dispositor. If you have two dignities, it cancels it out. Some astrologers do consider 2 or more (but like everything in astrology, we are divided on that lol)
For example. Here is my dispositor tree. Its actually pretty big. Mars in Aries rules my chart. So all the signs that fall underneath it, speak directly to and through Mars in Aries. Meaning, they act as themselves, but they take on a Mars in Aries tone at the same time. Its a weird blend of the two, deriving energies from both.

Tree Start: Mars in Aries. Ruling planet in its own sign. Mars is my final dispositor. It is the very first chain of command. This is why all that fall below it take on a mars in aries tone. Everything below here speaks through it- Mars in aries is is the god of war himself. This placement makes one impulsive, dynamic but also very temperamental (even tho its usually over quickly, and dont harbor resentment) My self esteem is pretty strong, and I dont GAF what people think. You can try to dampen it, expunge it, or abuse it, but it will all be for naught. And I might laugh at you in the process, as that is my typical reaction to that sort of ridiculousness. Mars in Aries is probably the most intense final dispositor (though, it might be a tossup with Scorpio. But Scorpio is still emotional – Aries is not)
Venus in Aries: Mine is actually conjunct Mars and falls into the final dispoitor-
Not only likes a manly man… someone who takes initiative and doesn’t waffle, someone who faces problems head on without the pursuit of oblivion, someone energetic and determined, but I myself also tend to be like that in my nature, as well as martial in nature. Very physical, very athletic, very war-like. The blending of male/female tendecies (think xena warrior princess) Also has a general aesthetic for war-like themes… weapons (I not just model them, but have them all over my house and like to learn to use them) and martial arts (I took kung fu for 9 yrs) to name a couple. Venus is in its detriment here even though my Mars is in its dignity. That’s why I shuffle furiously from tomboy to feminine…. its the ultimate glamazon lol
Merc in Taurus: Now, youre looking at Venus from the last chain. Venus rules Taurus, so you look in Taurus. I have Merc (also have midheaven and chiron here, but you don’t look at angles or asteroids/comets for the dispositor tree… only planets)-
Also very stoic about its beliefs, stubborn, bull-headed and will defend it to the death, even. Don’t bother to try to change my mind on something I REALLY believe. It goes back to the last thing I wrote in Mars in Aries… not only will you not do so, but you will waste your time. Also very vocal (taur rules the throat/voice and merc communication) with my opinions, not afraid to say what I think and not for the feint of heart. Normally, this would be slightly tamer, but it speaks thru mars in aries. It adds a forceful and no holds barred vibe to my communication style (merc) Also takes pleasure in the beauty of war. And I know what ur thinking… thats beauty? Well, we all have our tastes lol and its written in your chart. But Taurus does ground me quite a bit, and give me some sensible business traits… with the aries go get em attitude.
My Taurean placements are where a large part of my artsy tendencies come from. In fact, with my midheaven wrapped up in the mix, it was only logical I would make it a career (and even more, start my own business) And where Mars in Aries is uber impulsive, not prone to sticking to things and lightning fast to decision, my Taurus grounds that too and adds a certain amount of pickiness. Which results in massive packs that take mos to make.
Pluto in Libra: Venus also rules Libra-
I have often said the phrase… Im a mirror, I reflect what Im shown. It basically means you get what you give me. This is where that stance comes from. This is the placement in my chart would have no trouble killing someone if they were to try and kill myself or anyone I care for. The one who would beat up a bully for beating up someone. The one who jumps in and yells at verbal assailants to defend the victim. And no, I do not feel badly about it all said and done. Because it all boils down to one philosophy — You deserved it. I’m an extremely fair person. But so wrapped up in justice, even if an unjustice has to occur to make it happen at times… a vigilante sort of vibe thats all about an eye for an eye (coz it takes on Mars in Aries. Its not enuff for me to serverely dislike it, I have the penchant to act on it, even) Also finds beauty in darkness. Probably partly where I get my penchant for eeeeevil themes in my art, and why I love the macabre. This is a generational planet as well as karmic. So everyone my age will have pluto in libra. Just not necessarily with the mars in aries tone.
Jup/Sun in Gemini: I have Merc in Taurus… so now I follow merc to what it rules, Gemini. It also rules Virgo, but I have no placements in Virgo-
Ideas…. they are my wheelhouse. I have an overwhelming amount of them. Gemini is a highly intellectual sign, but I also have jupiter here, which expands it way more to a grandiose degree. I’m highly intelligent, well spoken and versed, changeable, chatty, mutable, multi-tasking and I have an overwhelming need to learn everything… yesterday. Dissemination of information, but to the point of it being duty like. Information overload. Subject to burnout. My brain is a proverbial database in which I store information for all eternity…. which gives me a know it all vibe. Im sure the very sentiment has been uttered about me, even. But its egregious in that, its not that Im acting as though I know everything – I don’t come close to knowing it all. Its that I have the penchant to spill what I do know to anyone who wants/needs to know as long as they are on my good side. And I know a lot. This also takes on mars in aries, so again… very vocal about how I feel about things, and not afraid to voice my opinion and speak out against wrongs. If I were an army general, it would add a war strategist sort of vibe (Mars = war, Gemini = strategy, Jupiter = in a big way) I approach everything with a plan. Even mundane things to worst case scenario… I always have both circling in my head, so I can plan for every outcome. Even though I am impulsive, rarely do I do anything that isnt calculated, thought out, studied or researched. I have an innate sense of balance, ability to see two sides of everything… and give everyone the BOTD… but if u squander it, sucks to be you.
This is also where I get my sunny disposition, silliness and the ability to turn off my emotions like a lightswitch and go purely logical. And yes, I can also be very dual in nature. No, that does not mean two-faced. I will not say anything behind your back that I wont own straight to your face. Mars in Aries doesnt play that shit. And my gemini, too, answers to Mars in Aries.
Nep in Sagi: I have Jupiter in Gemini, so now I follow Jupiter to its ruling sign, Sag-
Just look at my store. My creative drives take on a martial and warlike tone (coz it speaks thru Mars in Aries) Also, I tend to dabble with world culture/mythology, ancient belief systems (Im an astrologer, afterall, as well as a Pagan/Panetheist) religious themes with my art too, and Im a ancient history nerd (I wanted to become an archaeologist) Im really big on symbology too, and depicting internal emotions or symbologies that resonate with me. And did I mention war?
Saturn/Moon in Leo: I have the Sun in Gem, so I follow to what the sun rules, Leo. Saturn rules Capricorn, which could potentially be a branch of the tree… but I have no Cappy placements. I also have asc leo, but again, angles are not calculated-
You hurt me, you wound my feelings or my ego, or if you ignore me…. I will cut you. No I don’t mean literally. Here, martian anger takes on a more grudging tone… while under normal circumstance, my anger is a flash in the pan… if you seriously hurt my feelings, et al…. you’ll be left out in the cold… forever. Also, 12th house saturn in leo is very anti-spotlight. While normally Leo is the little starlet, I shun phony ideologies such as elitism and snobbery – not just if they were exhibited within myself, but esp coming from other people. Im rebellious against societal pressures and other bullshit facades. Im uncomfortable with phony compliments and other pretentious fuckery. And Im very blunt about it.
The Leo part of me is also very forgiving tho, as long as youve not passed the point of no return (ie, doing something so awful I cannot forgive) And as long as you have the balls to face me (Mars in Aries) If you cant, I lose respect. Its the regal side of me that has modesty, chivalry and can freely admit when its wrong. Its the mushy side of me that doesn’t give up easy on people. The part of me who takes responsibility for things I do. The part that owns her own bullshit.
My Asc is Leo – the Sun is my chart ruler. This is why I say, even tho Im a Gemini, Aries and Leo dominate my personality and chart (and makes me more like them) Leo is also where my sunnier happy-go-lucky disposition and optimism shines thru all the intense temper. Sun doesn’t necessarily compete with Mars, nor vice versa… they just both dominate in diff ways.
Popping back to the top….
Uranus in Scorpio: Scorp is co-ruled by Mars, so it makes a diff branch of the tree-
Forceful and determined, this is what gives me a lot of my intensity. And makes me quite rebellious and non-conformist. This is probably one of the scariest placements in my chart, esp since it speaks thru Mars in Aries and Mars co-rules scorpio. You will not force shit on me…. you will not manipulate me and if you try, you’ll be very sorry. I am not usually vengeful, as I prefer to rely on my moon in leo/grudging/leave you in the cold. But I could very much be if you do something wretched, and esp if I dont gaf about you. Mostly how I will do that, is to fall back on my Jupiterian Gemini for a strategy that will severely wound your ass (and pluto in libra: the punishment will fit the crime) Or fall back on Mars in Aries and hurt you physically. Its fortunately never come to that latter as of yet. Its very “nothing will get in my way… and if it does, I will mow it down”
(I feel compelled to add Uranus Neptune and Pluto are all generational planets. Add Saturn, with n/s nodes and vertex angle and you have the major karmic planets/angles)
If it sounds scary and over the top, its meant to. Imagine if you were carrying all this around 24/7. Fire has its grander purpose… but its also take no prisoners at the end of the day. Of all things, I prefer to be silly and laid back…. but it stirs beneath the surface, always… and it gets let out by bullshit I find unfair or unjust. I get physically ill when people demonstrate elitist tendencies (NOT an exaggeration)
Besides regular astrology, its a little known fact I also specialize in Karmic astrology. Its the branch that deals with past lives, karmic lessons and soul mates. I realize this isn’t going to fall into everyone’s belief. But my chart takes on a whole different tone, when you look at it karmically:
Saturn in Leo in the 12th: Placement of royalty. It suggests I was once a King/Queen (genders dont have definition… you can cross gender) Also the sign of an older soul who has been around the block a bit (Saturn rules time; 12th house, the internal self and past life)
Uranus in Scorpio in the 3rd: Suggests many people suffered at the hands of my rebellion in a past life.
Pluto in Libra in the 3rd: One who rules with an iron fist. The hangman, the executioner.
All of that under an Aries Mars/Aries South Node: Suggests I was a warrior, or at best, war-like
When you glomp all that together, I was probably not a good person. This lifetime, I have to learn to be, with the same Martian/fiery tendencies (its sort of like putting a flower in an asshole and calling it a vase-blending the two so it ultimately has a purpose) without the pursuit of total annihilation. The dispositor is both the punishment and a reward.
If you’ve ever wondered why I am the way I am, its this: The reason I have such a preponderance of force and fire and war themes going on in my chart… is that Im basically here to learn how to use my martial tendencies in a more useful way than I have in a past life. And to cultivate peace and cooperation. (NNodeLibra, SNodeAries adding strength) My chart bears the propensity to fight injustice… to defend the underdog…. and protect those who are innocent. Because that’s not how it was in a past life. And that is what makes me tick. It is not without its pitfalls, without its problems and casualties. And my anger can get away from me. But that is the burden my chart bears and the karmic price to be paid.
If you want to find your dispositor, this table should help you.. as it illustrates the rulerships of planets to sign. It is in glyph form but they are labeled so that will help you quickly identify the symbols in your chart (For finding dispositor, you want to look at the ruler column exclusively, tho its a handy chart for finding placements in your chart that are exalted, in detriment and that fall as well)
You can do your chart at (use extended chart selection)