


Looking for the perfect minions to carry out your most devious plans?

First debuting in Azraella, the speed demon is a live entity that flies around her and does her bidding.

But this speed demon has been ugraded, so its better than ever. Now, it is a figure (instead of a prop) that will make ghostly or fiery skulls that fly around and wreak havoc, terrifying all whom they come across. With tons special trailing morphs (and new effects that are different than the ones in Azraella) as well as fire textures (which include many different colors now as well) you can quickly and easily make spooky skulls that swirl about your scenes in the most freaky manner. They also glow in the dark, and emit light in poser 9 (with IDL enabled)

But maybe you want just a normal skull, to litter about your scenes….. well, you can do that too! The set comes with a plain skull material and a myriad of morphs to change the expression and style. The plain skull textures also have baked ambient occlusion for natural depth and shadowing. Additionally, the Jaw on the figure hinges and you can hide the fangs and teeth, or the entire jaw.

Also included as a bonus, is a special drippy candle that rests upon the skull, for your alchemist apothecary’s or an evil queen’s wicked den. The candle has subsurface scattering, and the flame emits light. Easily change the color of the candle as well, as it has its own MATs.

Take your creepiest scenes one step further!

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