Upgrading is usually a great experience, and my upgrade to Windows 7 has been nothing short of that. However, if you’re anything like me, you don’t like to change too much.
I definitely don’t like to change software – especially when Ive been using a certain app, or version for years and years. I find the change hard to adjust to, so I will use what I have for the longest time, til I absolutely CAN’T use it any longer.
And this is precisely how I am with Dreamweaver MX. It fits like an old glove – probably coz I read the whole book years ago and have used it exclusively ever since. You can imagine my disdain in realizing …. it doesn’t work properly on Windows 7. Grrrrr!
For the most part, it does work. But it seems the insert tables function breaks (it did work for me for a little while and then suddenly, one day, it just refused to) My options? Well, I suppose I could have inserted tables manually. But I’m lazy – too lazy to do that every time, and I use tables A LOT. I prefer the little dialog to be present, coz its a lot faster and painless. Upgrading to the latest version really wasn’t something I wanted to do right this second. Not only coz it would cost me for the upgrade (and dreamweaver isnt a high priorty for me atm) but also coz I would DETEST having to relearn everything, since the new one is so vastly different. So I scoured the net and I found a fix.
Figured I’d add this for anyone who needs it (plus, it will help me keep it backed up LOL) It took me FOREVER to figure out where it was supposed to go, as the instructions on the net weren’t very accurate. I also modified the text, font and size on the new insert dialog, as it was MASSIVE and kind of an eyesore to me.
To sum this fix up, basically, the “Table.htm” function is shot. The javascript in it which loads the dialog that inserts a table doesn’t respond to the way Windows 7 is set up. So what you essentially have to do, is paste some code into a certain “Table.htm” file, which is located in a specific path.
But rather than go over the details and paste the very lonnnnnnnnnng code here, Ive zipped everything up instead, which you can download here. Included is the table file with the modified code to get the table insert dialog working properly. The text file in the zip tells you what to do, and what exact path to put it in. All you have to do is drop it there, reopen Dreamweaver, and its fixed.
Finally, this fix is for Vista and Windows 7