
Shroud of Turin Rant

So, last nite, I stayed up pretty late and watched the rebuilding of Jesus’ face. Which they did by extracting the information from the Shroud of Turin (what is considered to be the shroud that wrapped Jesus, after he was removed from the cross) It was a pretty interesting process… especially since it kind of delved into 3D, which is what I do for a living. That stuff always tends to fascinate me (and you’d think I’d be sick of it by now)

By now, Ive also seen a ton of Jesus programs besides. Ok, so religion is always something that interests me…. and the Bible is really no different. I’ve actually read most of it, if not all by now. My mom and grandfather taught me a lot about God and the Bible too. And to this day, I watch those programs all the time…. they always manage to suck me in. 

But regarding the part, where its the actual shroud that wrapped Jesus….. what do I think? I think the proof is pretty uncanny…. although, I also think that it could’ve been anyone, as much as it could’ve been Jesus. But mostly…. I think that its kind of a morbid way to pay your respects to someone, who was respected as the son of God. And thats kind of the problem Ive always had with Catholicism – they seem to spend too much of their time celebrating Jesus’ death, rather than his life. Which Im pretty certain he never intended for.

I was actually born Catholic, by my father’s Italian lineage. I renounced it tho, at a young age. I remember as a (very young) kid, I experiemented with many religions. For a time, I wore a star of David, ate Latka’s and boldly proclaimed I was Jewish (and there wasn’t a jewish bone in my body) But in the end, I actually chose Paganism (but not the polytheistic side of it – yeah, its kinna complicated) After watching the program, Id also boldly claim that I have Gnostic leanings…. but thats a blog for another time. Getting back to my point…..

I remember once, growing up, my mom saying to me that crucifixes bothered her (which is the predominant symbol of Catholicism) And the reason is because they always depicted Jesus hanging on the cross, as if it were a celebration of the act, moreover than a rememberance for why he died; for our sins. And people spend too much time mourning the loss, instead of celebrating the very point he was attempting to drive home.

There’s a fine line between rememberance and sensationalizing an event that was considered a tragedy; or using that event as a means to sensationalize the message. If the message is worth hearing, it should stand on its own. Something Ive always thought, and which bothers me about most organized religions (the fact they feel the need to force it on me, rather than letting it stand on its own)

Sooo… yeah. Guess I kind of see the Shroud of Turin the same way. I dont need to know what the man looked like, to know his message was of value. I dont need to see the act of crucifying him or any other human, to understand the wrongs of this world and how that is seriously fucked up. I just think we’d be better suited to remember what he stood for and all that implies; not how he died. But thats just my humble opinion.

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    I love religious stories, not just one religion, but all of them, because of their place in history. The more modern religions I don’t really trust. My favorites are the pagan stories, they are so pure and simple with the meanings they were meant to tell, clear. Don’t lie, Don’t cheat, Don’t steal…etc However, with my love for religious stories and study and history and mythology, I have to say I am agnostic, somewhat spiritual, but I cant make myself believe we are being watched or governed by another entity…

    I do agree with you, that such things are really disrespectful to any dead, Jesus or not. I would rather watch something about deciphering hieroglyphs, or studying ancient man made rock formations, or how they made them, or uncovering ancient temples, or a study about what things were like for the people living back then, and the changes he made for the better. ( beyond water into wine and such) etc.