
End of the World Rant

So I had a dream about the Zombie apocalypse. It was terrifying and I hope I never have that dream again. In fact, as a direct result of that dream, Ive decided that if the Zombie Apocalypse actually takes place, I will be killing myself and not dealing with it. Not too long before that, I had a dream of the end of the world occuring; that the sun would supernova. Prophecies, perhaps? Doubtful lol Im more convinced that these are nothing short of being the result of all the bullshit about the end of the world stirring around lately. And looking back over the history of just after when Ive been born, the world has been plagued with these kooky claims…. thats not even including all the bs claims that came before.

Now me, Im particularly sensitive to the idea of the world ending. Its not only just terrifying to me, but ultimately depressing. I can handle the thought that Im mortal and will die eventually; or that anyone will. But the end of the world is so very dark to me. I guess I dont really like the thought that this wonderful world, and all life on this planet would cease to exist. I would much rather be convinced of it being there eternally, and that life would go on (even if its not true)

That said, I am SO FRIGGON SICK of hearing about the end of the world. Don’t people have anything better to do with their pitiful, end of the world wishing lives, than to sit around and claim the end is nigh? They’ve been doing this for centuries…. thousands of doomsday theorists, screaming at the top of their lungs that they know the world will end on this date, or that date; and theyre always wrong, wrong, wrong. This shit happens so frequently, I am surprised that psychiatrics hasn’t given it a name, and called it a bonified psychological disorder by now. If I could say one thing to any and all of you that do this? It would be SHUT THE :censored: UP!!! You’re scaring the children.

I remember as a child being absolutely TERRIFIED of Nostradamus. My mother, being interested in prophcies and whatnot, would watch these shows on him – one in partciular claimed that Florida would be under water by a certain year. And I remember her saying that we’d need to move by this year, which IIRC was the year 2000. She died that year…. and I didnt move. While the Everglades IS slightly under water, its no more than it ever was lol And now, I look back and think how utterly ridiculous this claim is. There is no volcanic activity near Florida; there is a fault line in the Gulf, but its so far away that only the West Coast could possibly feel some slight tremors- and unless the tectonic plates shift and create NEW faults, that’s not going to happen. There is no impending threat of a great flood or Tsunami that could occur in Florida. The only other possibility; by hurricane, which is at best, pretty retarded. Or an asteroid slamming into the ocean (but in that event, Id be more worried about the fallout from that, over a flood)

I remember at the turn of the millenium, the Y2K scare that claimed all our technology would shut down and screw up, and rolling blackouts would occur; that the stock market would crash, that this, that or the other would happen. And this was definitely going to happen, and worried everyone to frantics. BUT…. it went by, and nothing happened. I remember we got windows updates to correct the clocks on our computers, even. And I had a computer that didnt have that update installed, and it still worked just fine (just displayed the time incorrectly)

The heaven’s gate bs; that the comet Hale-Bopp would come by Earth on its usual travels, with a spaceship travelling behind it. Amassed believers all killed themselves, so their souls would ascend to the spaceship. When detectives uncovered the bodies, they most bizarrely were laid out in brand new nike sneakers, spare change in their pockets and weird blue patches they wore. But hmmmm… now that Im thinking about it, I guess theres really no way to know if it was true LMAO But that kook claimed it was to spare their lives from the end of the world, too – which, obviously, never happened. Well, at least, not for the rest of us. I guess it was the end of their world.

The more recent rapture lol Harold Camping claiming the rapture would absolutely take place on May 21st (who now claims that it was a quiet judgement, refuses to recant and still holds to the claim the world will end in October) And that wasnt even his first claim – his first was in 1994, which also did not come to pass (and he blamed on a mathematical error) Now, I waited and waited to start floating; and nothing happened lol (well, unless everyone in the world, including Harold Camping and his followers, are not worthy of ascension lol which IS COMPLETELY BELIEVABLE TO ME. People think they live so pristinely, especially devout believers, and I seriously doubt any of us really do)

As far as the end of the Mayan Calendar goes; ok yes, they were pretty accurate in their star charting. And yes, their civilization was obviously well-steeped in astronomy. But do I want to trust that an ancient civilzation, whom KILLED THEMSELVES OFF, BY POISONING THEMSELVES FROM DUMPING THEIR OWN HUMAN SACRIFICES INTO THEIR WATER SUPPLY, really knows wtf theyre talking about? LOL No! At the end of the day, they were STILL an ancient civilization without the tech we have in present day, whom theorized about shit they really knew nothing about. Maybe it was never intended to mean “the end of the world” maybe they just didnt plot it any further. And even if it was intended as the end, why the hell should I believe that? If we ran around believing the claims of ancient people, we would still be believing the earth is flat. If they were so wise and all-knowing, they’d still be around. And they are most definitely not.

Then theres the planet Nibiru (aka Planet X) lol This one is the most funniest doomsday theory ever! That theres a planet we cant see, that telescopes and radar cant detect, and its due to collide with the Earth and we will never see it coming. NASA has attempted to squelch these rumors, saying that anything the size of a planet could be seen with the naked eye, if it were that close to our planet, and other such facts based in Astronomy. But all people retort with, is that its a conspiracy theory, and NASA should not be trusted.

And to what end? As a fear factor? Its so sad to see people killing themselves in fear of this crap coming true; lives wasted coz of crackpots. And you’d think being proven wrong again and again would be enuff to deter this sort of bullshit. Alas, it doesnt… there’s always some new whacked-out person to scream new prophecies of doom and gloom. I for one think that this should be outlawed; that you shouldn’t be allowed to scream THE END IS NIGH! Coz look at the results. These claims actually have bad consequences, and never due to it actually occuring…. but scaring people literally to death…. into committing suicide, or throwing away all their worldly possessions, quitting their jobs, etc. Sure, maybe it makes them dumb for believing so intently. But does that mean it should be allowed in the first place? :shakes head: Beliefs are dangerous things.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, it might happen…. eventually, some day, somehow. And even if it did happen in our lifetimes, wtf could we possibly do? NOTHING. And I think I would prefer not to know, honestly. Live every day like its your last…. end of the world or not, our time is short here.

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