
Daphne and Apollo

Just an early morning doodle

The myth: Apollo was struck by one of Cupid’s arrows, in vengeance for sassing him – and it made him fall in love with the nymph, Daphne. But Cupid also struck Daphne with an arrow – one that made her repulsed by the thought of love. Apollo chased her feverishly, and she ran from his charms. As Daphne fled from Apollo, she cried out to her father Peneus, the River god, to help her. He turned her into a Laurel tree. From there on, Apollo honored the Laurel, by wearing crowns of laurel leaves and making the tree sacred.

Forest Dryad by Mada, Thorne and Sarsa
Texture is Absinthe, by me
M4 (default tex) with Luthbel’s Gladiator outfit (at DAZ)
Vines by Art Collab (in Jungle Hideaway)
Bg by Sveva
Misc plants from…. I dunno lol
Rest is painted/postwork

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