
Obama Rant

So… I hear it all the time. Everyone hates Obama. Well I know, its the usual hate people spit at the president, once he actually steps into office. He isnt doing his job! Hes doing this! Hes doing that! We dont like it… boooo!!!…. yadda yadda….

But I personally don’t think he deserves the flack he’s getting.

Me personally? I didn’t like him in the running… I wasnt even gonna vote for him (I wanted Hillary Clinton to win) No particular reason, other than, I doubted that what he said he wanted to do would ever come to pass (like most presidents)

But… I have to say, I have been nothing but impressed with him since he took the presidency. And know what? Im really glad he won. In fact, so glad, I think I’m an idiot now for not voting for him (even tho he won anyway lol)

This is a man who taxed smokers, and gave the money to children’s healthcare. I say MORE POWER TO HIM! And Im a smoker. (yeah, u should totally tax my ass… its going for a good cause- the best cause, even. Its my choice to slowly kill myself… at least something good is coming from it)

This is a man who HELPED manage to kill America’s most wanted man – Osama Bin Laden (and I say helped, coz lets face it, the military actually did the deed) and brought at least part of a 10 year hunt to rest. Granted, the war on terror will never really be over… but at least people can take solace in the fact the president is proactive about it, and actually has helped to bring about justice (not to say that Bush wasn’t)

He has enforced medical insurance – now every American has to have insurance (well soon, anyway) And INSURANCE COMPANIES have to make it affordable to them! So there will be no more needless deaths, and sickness, and disease because people can’t afford, and don’t have it.

Now he wants to tax millionaires.

Why shouldn’t they pay? It makes perfect sense to me, actually (if you earn more money, you have to pay the IRS more, right? Why not taxes?) If I had millions, I would expect to pay more in taxes. I would have no problem with it, either. One of the biggest problems with this country, is the way its set up – the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Its high freakin’ time someone leveled the playing field a bit, and made it easier on those who are poor. DEMOCRAT FTW!

He’s also done a lot of other things… but those are the ones that most impressed me. Hes got a good heart, and good energy… hes down to earth and spunky. I like that, too.

Yes… as far as Obama goes… he might just be my fave president…. um …. ever! And I like his wife too… bonus!

President Obama… you have earned my deepest respect. And you have my vote next election…..

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