
Facebook: More changes to come

So, for those of you that hated the latest changes to facebook… hang on tight, coz there are MORE (yes MORE) coming very soon.

I am a fair person, so I decided to wiggle my way in, to view these latest changes, as if you are a FB developer, you can preview the latest changes. Planned as of now, they will officially roll out September 30th.

So what do I think? Well before I go on, here’s a screenshot of what your pages will look like come next week (tho, obviously, with your own content lol):

Now, that said… err shown….

It has potential. It could be a nice way to share content, esp for people like myself who advertise mostly.

But I DO have issues with this redesign.

  • *It displays like a blog? Errr… or Myspace? (not sure if like or hate that yet)
  • *It seems a little bloated and complex
  • *Do we really need two rows on junk on the timeline? This actually contributes to the bloat
  • *There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to how stuff on your timeline displays (is it putting stuff left to right, in a column like manner, and is it dependent on how you set your timeline to be? your guess is as good as mine)
  • *Do others see your timeline? Does stuff on your timeline (when hidden) get hidden from feeds? Oh, and there’s no delete option any longer – which means, even when hiding things, its STILL ON FB, somewhere. And without any way to pull it down?
  • *Stupid ticker still shows and there’s no way to kill it on Facebook (fortunately, there are extensions out there for Firefox and Chrome that will disable it)
  • *I still don’t like the idea that Facebook guesses who I want to see/don’t want to see, and veritably makes me have to edit over 300 friends, if I want to see everyone’s content. If Ive added a person, it means, I want to see their content. duh?
  • *When your homepage loads, it jumps down instead of displaying the very top of the page (could be a glitch)
  • *Curious as to what the privacy controls will be
  • * I’m a little afraid of what else is rolling out with it, that’s not currently viewable (rumors about it automatically putting what you’re reading on the web, listening to, etc, like a stalker in the night)

As for me continuing using Facebook…. I haven’t decided yet. I will still continue to maintain my google+ acct, but take a wait and see approach for Facebook. We shall see what this next rollout of changes brings before deciding for certain. These changes hold a certain amount of potential… but also, a certain amount of discontent and privacy breaches are possible.

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