
Okay, so here are my options:

Drop the hobbiest market completely and get the hell out of this drama-ridden rat race. Move to an entirely new platform – GAMING. Find new drama-ridden rat race. Spend just as much time there, as I have here learning what to do (although, to a lesser degree, since I know half of it) Make crap for money, til I’m established in the industry. Take on contractual work, which dictates what I’m making, thus possibly losing the reason I do this crap at all. Sanity (how much is open for debate) and SOME possibilities are in tact.

Be a “Poser only” Developer – drop DS support completely (and this includes mats) And get pressure from the masses about supporting DS (not to mention Genesis) Yet gain some form of sanity back, from not having to support two different apps that are as different as night and day. Possibly lose money (how much, again, is open to debate) Not to mention, possible pack refusal based on the fact there’s no DS content, thus forcing me to use a different marketplace or my own freaking store, which will most definitely result in loss of money. Partial Sanity and possibilities are still in tact.

Quit doing characters and clothing completely – limit myself to only original figures and architecture (the latter which, like there’s lots of that to be had, or like I’m even good at it) They don’t require ANYTHING, but what is included already, and can be used with anything, apart from whats included already. Inevitably lose possibilities. Partial Sanity and money are still in tact. Will hit rut pretty quick and want to slit my wrists. And there are only so many critters you can make which haven’t already been done, before you desperately end up splicing creatures together, the likes of which would even make Dr. Moreau die with envy– but will make you weird…. and niche…. and broke.

Take yet another thing on, making my already gargantuan packs effectively double in size, spend double the time to make them and still not be good enuff. Because eventually, even more will be expected from me, and that much is also inevitable. The more you give, the more you are expected to give, coz you always give more. I might make more money initially (HOW much more, or whether its worth all the extra time/work/effort is HIGHLY open to debate) but the novelty will wear off eventually, over-saturation will occur and the market will die like all the others. Possibilities are still present. But I will most definitely lose my fucking mind (at least, what part of it hasn’t been lost already from doing 3D content, in general)

Find someone that can/will do Poses, Weight Maps and Characters for Genesis, to convert all my content for me (tho, that will be difficult, as not many are quite as asinine or insane as I am, doing everything like that) Pay them to do so, but still have to work with someone, which I haven’t had the best experiences with and am, altogether, quite jaded about. Make more money in GROSS, but less NET, as I will effectively LOSE money in having to pay someone, thus negating said effort completely. Partial Sanity and Possibilities in tact.

Quit doing 3D completely, and do lawn/landscaping biz full time. Build it up to where it will REPLACE the money I make (which shouldn’t be too hard of a feat) Be the acting secretary, billing dept and book keeper (tho I hate math and paperwork) or go out and actually cut myself, something which my little self cannot physically do (I’ve tried) Boredom will ensue eventually to the point of wanting to kill myself if I do the clerical stuff, or cutting grass will kill me first, though I spose I will GAIN certain sanity from not doing 3D anymore. That about evens out there. Possibilities are obviously lost. Money is still in tact.

Break into freelance web development, as I intended to do before Poser stole me (like that’s a lucrative market, with all the do-it-yourself web builders and junk they have now) That ship, I fear, sailed a long time ago… and I was the man that jumped overboard (which is prolly a good thing, given all the do-it-yourself web builders they have now) Can you even make money at it now? And will prolly lose my mind even still, coding ALL the time.

So hm… what do I care LEAST about losing? Money…. my sanity…. or my freedom?

  1. Custom avatar

    Absolutely AWESOME rant! I have not had a good read in a while and this just made my day.

    Your 3D content creations are fantastic. I just picked up Godspeed. It’s fantastic! So, I bid you that in your recovery “Iggy”… GODSPEED!

  2. Default avatar

    LOL Well glad I could make your day. I wrote this quite awhile ago, when I was still in a decision making phase. Ive since then decided to at least try doing Gen content. I guess we will see what happens there 😉

    And awww thanks so much for the compliment!! I hope you are enjoying the set!!!