
Web Dev: Favicons

Ok so, Im a total webdevgeek…. and Ive been currently geeking (with ann) over favicons. This has been our whole fancy of the week LOL

What is a favicon? Well, its a custom icon you can create for your website, with a logo on it, which will display in your browser when you load the site. When you add it to favorites, it will also show the icon, so you can spot the site…. well, on sight lol

Ok, cool, but how do you make one?

Well, for starters, it needs to be 16×16 pixels in size (thats really tiny) And it will need to be saved as an .ico extension — and Photoshop does not have that capability by default. Naye does Paintshop pro. This means you will have to have a friend make one (if they have a program that can actually save .ico) or you will have to buy expensive software to create a favicon…..

No, no, no….. it means you will have to look here!

Creating Favicons in Photoshop

This tutorial (courtesy of Ann) explains how to create one using a Photoshop plugin to make the ico file. So now, everyone in the galaxy can have pretty icons on their website! YAY!

Now… go forth and make icons!

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