
One nation, under God?

So, I just got this email stating that 85% of Americans believe in God, and therefore, it is not understood why people have a problem with this line in the pledge of allegience, or “In god we trust”

Before I go on, tho… now me, personally…  I believe in something. More of a source of Power, or infinite energy that is in everything. If you wanna tag it with the title “God” I guess you could. Afterall, God is just a word.

Do I believe its some man in the sky? No.

Do I believe, that what I believe, is absolute truth?? No….

But now, we’re getting to the meat of the matter….

So do I have a problem with statements such as “One Nation, Under God? Actually…. yes, I do. Maybe 85% of Americans do believe that there is a god, but what about the other 15%??? And just because the greater majority believes, does that make the concept absolute? Not even close. I have never seen any evidence proving (or even disproving) that God exists. So having such sayings in our money, in our pledge of allegience or even as a motto, is absolutely asinine. Not to mention, archaic. You might as well stamp “I believe in the Tooth Fairy” on all our currency.

And thats completely getting away from whether or not the statement “85% of Americans believe” is a truth unto itself. That percentage seems awfully high, considering the rise in Atheism, Paganism, Wicca, as well as people of other Nationalities living in America, whom believe in their own God. Lets not even get into the many Polytheistic religions that believe in multiple Gods.

(Did you know that 99.9% of statisitcs are made up on the spot? LOL)

But thats not even the biggest reason why I have a problem with those lines…..

Anyone who comes to our country, would obviously have to obey our laws, etc etc. Does that mean they have to stop believing in their god, only to then believe in ours? Absolutely NOT! And they should not be expected to repeat lines in the pledge of allegience, such as “One nation, under God” It just seems like its a form of truncating their God, for ours…..

Personally, Id like to see mottos like that, tossed. Leave sayings like “In God We Trust” for Sunday sermons. If we truly are free to believe how we want, then whats the purpose of implanting things like that into everything remotely legal or political in nature?

  1. Default avatar

    Thank you! So well put, I totally agree. And lest we not forget that it used to be that more then 85% of the population thought the world was flat, and we know how that turned out.

  2. Custom avatar

    Exactly! I honestly believe that people need something to believe in, to explain the unexplicable. Like calling a solar eclipse the god Amun-Ra. And thats all well and fine, til youre infringing on someone else’s beliefs. Thats not very American.

    But thats also one of the things that truly ticks me off about this country…. saying we’re free, when we’re really not. Its like reading the fine print. Do you know that the President of the United States is always Christian? Its a damned prerequisite! For once, Id like to see one who is Pagan, or one who is an Atheist…. or hell, even one thats Hindu, or Buddhist.

  3. Default avatar

    Well put and I 100% agree!

  4. Custom avatar

    I know I posted the same on your FB, and a few years ago, Id probably have wholeheartedly agreed with something being done about this, because I am atheistic. I dont belong to a church, I have never read the Bible. I love religion, all of them, as stories. If I were to be religious, I would be a Pagan, be it Celtic, Gaelic, Greek or Roman, because those are my favorite gods and goddesses, the ones that came before so much corruption.

    Anyhow, this is the post I left on FB:

    Im pretty athiestic.. though you my hear me swear “OMG or Good Lord” every now and then, theres no belief backing it, hehe.

    However that particular line doesnt bother me, Ive always felt the way I do, even as a small child, and saying the Pledge as its said never made me feel obligated to believe in anything else. I respect those who are religious, whatever the religion is, but I dont choose to follow them.

    Right now, with politics being as unpatriotic as they are, and people following the media the way that they do, Id just rather they leave these things alone until its not a bad thing to be Patriotic to those who worship the media. Then maybe we can take on these things.

    I’m afraid that if this argument is to be brought up to the courts now, the current government might just say that the pledge is somehow unconstitutional anymore and is no longer required at schools and other events…