
New Weblog

So, as you can see, Ive added a weblog. This nifty little doodad will be replacing my current update method, with a fully interactive blog upon which you can actually communicate with me, by leaving comments.

Need help or have a question about something? Simply post a comment (and you dont even have to log in!)

You can subscribe to it, using a wordpress account, or via RSS feed.

And everything thats new in my evil world will be added: From content releases, new art, and anything that pertains to my empire.

  1. Default avatar

    Looks very cool Barbie!! and WOOT I get to be the first one to post to it…all the kids in the neighborhood are gonna be sooooo jealous of me but all I can say is :OP to them…I am speeeecial hehe ;O) Looks awesome Iggy!! :O)

  2. Default avatar

    “…all the kids in the neighborhood are gonna be sooooo jealous of me but all I can say is :OP to them…I am speeeecial hehe”

    LMFAO yes, you are!