
God is a kid with an antfarm

So, I watched this really interesting program earlier. And it was interesting in that, it kind of covered one potential theory of the God concept. One that I think is far more believable than some supernatural entity.

Heres the link to the video in case you wanna see it….

Through the Wormhole – The God Experience

Basically, they surmised that the entire universe is made up of these tiny particles — tinier than atoms even. And these particles make up everything that we see (sort of how a pixel makes up an entire picture) And that all the forces of the universe can exist harmoniously in complex mathematical equations, which until recently, completely eluded physicists – they believed that the forces that make up the universe could not be computed in math. And from there, it is suggested that “God” is a being that is capable of complex mathematics.

Also, this program got me thinking of the human brain, in terms of computers and technology. All the human brain really is, is an organic machine, capable of computation. It is fired in a similar way that motherboards are — that being electric pulse that reacts with the chipset. In recent breakthroughs, they’ve actually created organic life with a computer. Granted, its primitive for now. But nevertheless, if something of that sort is possible to us, surely greater potential would be available to a being with incredible intelligence. Why couldnt one create a thinking and processing machine, which is encased in an organic shell? So, what if the universe really was an experiement, created by some being whose brilliance far outreaches our own, and everything we see was developed by means of a very powerful computer, capable of programming and creating organic life? And maybe this theory even stretches to the far reaches of our universe…. each planet… each star… black holes. Maybe theyre all results of an experiement, and were all created by a computer.

We also just created the LHC (large hadron collider) which can create microscopic black holes. Maybe thats not making stars like our Sun, or even planets…. but its a start. Wouldn’t that also be the same thing?

We can already SEE that sort of technology at play.

Ok… so it sounds a little like the Matrix, I guess. But it also actually supports my belief in the bible code.

What is the bible code? Well, basically, its a theory that suggests everything – past, present and future, can be scryed in the bible. They use a computer to decipher the bible (preferrably the Torah, actually, as its old and untainted) And in it, they can find actual events that have occured in history… with dates, names, etc. Its uncanny, even. Some skeptics believe that you could do that with any book…. but to the extent of everything they have found in the Torah? I dont think so. I remember watching programs on this, and thinking…. a code…. in the bible. That’s got to be alien technology. Coz only something with the capacity for extreme thinking, or capable of intricate technology, could potentially concoct a book with hidden messages in it, which can only be deciphered with a computer (or using more percentage of our brains than we currently utilize) There’s no way some primitive guy wrote all those hidden codes for sure. He’d either have to be capable of prophecy, or it would be an exhausting task, to constantly add in current events and rewrite the bible a gazillion times. And thats assuming the primitive human brain would even be capable of writing it, and simultaneously use a series of rules and patterns to apply to the code itself, without the use of a computer, which they obviously didn’t have way back when the Torah was written.

Im not going to get into the logistics of how deciphering the bible code works… its pretty complex, and works on multiple levels, but if you’re interested, just google the bible code.

Digressing back to my point, though. If you continue to think in terms of this mindset, it also supports some theories about the methods our ancestors used to create monolithic structures, like the pyramids of Egypt, structures at Tikal, or any of the impossible things they did. How would they do those things, without the aid of intelligent beings? To perfectly align the pyramids with the stars in Orion’s belt (back when they didnt even have telescopes) To concoct a primitive calendar out of erected stones….. even the alignment of certain structures that match constellation formations in the sky, that we cannot even see without the aid of a telescope. Buildings and architecture, which have lasted thousands of years, and we cannot even produce in modern times with our current technologies?

I say its ALL alien design. And I say in times passed, they’ve interacted with us, as any good parent would their child. They’ve given us hints of their existence, secrets of design, and even the tools to prophecize our own destinies and avoid certain downfalls. But now, we’ve come of age…. and the time for parenting us has passed. Not to mention, we’ve become a violent race of beings besides. And we would probably disect them, instead of easily and readily accepting them as our God, as we must have done in ancient times.

To me, this is more plausible. And really, it doesnt make it any less “God-like” I mean, the definition of a god, is someone with great power. And knowledge IS power.

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    You should check out Erich von Däniken’s “Chariots of the Gods” It is an older book but still has some interesting theories in it.