

Just a doodle

Credits from my store: www.daz3d.com/ignisserpentus
Dea Araneam Hair by me at DAZ
Dark Elves by me at DAZ
Phantoms by me at DAZ

Also @ DAZ:
Rapscallion by Bobbie25
Abraxas by DM
DAZ Big Cat 2
Real Fur for the Big Cat 2

Rest is postwork


The Skinny on Vaping

Since I quit smoking 3 mos ago, Ive become a bit of an advocate of vaping (or so it feels like) Im always raving about it in real life and online, and have even gotten a few ppl to try vaping, so they can quit smoking. I get a lot of questions too.

Sooo, I wanted to write a blog about my experience, and also, information you will need to know if you’re wanting to switch. Just coz its a lot easier to get all the information in one place, where people can really read. On the fly, I feel like I leave out a lot of important info. But I am sure I haven’t covered everything, so I encourage people to do their own research.

This is going to be exceedingly long, fair warning. But there is a lot you need to know to make an informed decision.


What is Vaping? Well, a vape is an atomizer or vaporizer, as a basic definition. It looks like a pen or a sonic screwdriver lol in fact, you might mistake your pens for it and try to vape them. But it won’t open any door, fix any time rift or anything of the sort. It may, however, help you quit smoking cigarettes.

Usually by this point, people will say “Oh, its like an e-cig” And yes, it’s actually a bit like using an e-cigarette, but the setup is a little different. With a vape, you fill your own juice and you can personalize what the atomizer looks like. But E-Cigs also work well to quit smoking for some folks, if you’d prefer to use one of those. I myself preferred the vape, coz I think they taste better overall, you can see the contents and your level of juice at all times, they last forever, you can refill them and change their parts as necessary. A lot of e-cigs are disposable (tho some can be refilled and recharged as well… but they will only last so long, even so, thus forcing you to eventually buy a whole new setup)

The tank of the vape, or cartridge of the e-cig, contains pure nicotine liquid (called e-juice, or e-liquid) that is vaporized (instead of burned) which is better for your health, and leaves no lingering smoke or bad effects thereof. They also have dry herb vapes, which will burn tobacco (or other things lol) at such a high temperature, it will effectively melt the tobacco and cause a cleaner inhalant as well. All these methods leave behind the icky tar that plagues the usual burning methods, as well as carbon dioxide, and thus, results in something a lot cleaner that’s not depositing bad stuff into your lungs and body. However, to what degree the dry herb vaporizers work, I’m not really sure, as I haven’t done a lot of research on those per se. So if you’re interested in using those, it might be something you want to research independently (just google dry herb vapes)

The way you hold a vape is also very different than an e-cig. You would hold it more like a recorder (instrument) than you would a cigarette per se. Some folks find they need to mimic the act of smoking to help quit smoking… so the e-cig is the way they go, coz it does that better. On the other hand, if you are trying to stop smoking, I feel getting away from the action itself helps to not go back. Like, if you wanna stop biting your nails, don’t pretend to bite them, coz you’re not really breaking the habit kind of thing.

To put it in the simplest of terms – e-cig’s are like a cig, where as a vape is almost like a pipe.

The vaping industry does not market vaping/e-cigs as NRT’s (nicotine replacement therapies) such as nicotine patches or gums do (those are marketed as such, coz they have FDA backing – but Ill get into that more later) But scores of people have quit via using them, all the same. No guarantees are made that it will help anyone to quit, though. It just helped me to quit.


The journey to vaping, was an interesting one. The psychological and physical effects and after effects was one I embraced with both curiosity and annoyance lol It was an intriguing experience, and even in all its nasty effects, was one Id happily embrace again (though, I have no intention on going back to smoking to have to)

My decision came with a periodontal appt, and her lecturing me about quitting smoking… and telling me just how bad cigarettes wreak havoc on your teeth. I just spent literally 10 grand fixing my teeth (I had a lot of issues from grinding and heredity) so I had a little of literally everything done (extractions, crowns, fillings, root canals… the whole 9 yards) I started to think…. do I really want to wreck 10k worth of dental work? I am working my butt off to pay it off, and I don’t want to have it prematurely fail. I’d been considering trying vaping for a very long time… I just hadnt taken the plunge. I have friends who have done it, or do it. So the week following my periodontist appt, I finally bought a starter kit from Viper Vape.

When I started vaping, I had smoked for 20 yrs exactly… mostly, a pack a day (tho there were times of smoking more or less) I started off weening myself off cigs. My first day, I cut down to 5, the next day 3, and the next day none. However, I don’t recommend doing that, coz it won’t be for everyone. I dropped off smoking fast coz I wanted to be done with it. But I paid a price in doing it that quickly, in that I had quite nasty withdrawals. If you don’t feel comfortable quitting cold turkey, you should try to do the weening thing instead. It might help you deal with withdrawals better. OTOH, some folks feel as I did… that getting it done and over with is best. And though it was hard, I would tend to agree there too. It will be up to you, how you want to handle that.

I just took it one day at a time. And I wouldn’t give into my cravings by constantly thinking “do I want to ruin my progress?” and thinking about how bad Id feel if I did, or thinking how Id feel like I was an utter failure. I’d keep in mind things like “do you want to go back to feeling like you’re gonna die of this” as well as “your parents both died of this” in my head as well. It helped keep me on the straight and narrow.

Also, my insatiable curiosity in knowing how it would feel if I saw it thru, kept me walking the line, instead of toeing it.

And then, it started…..

This is the make it or break it moment, more than anything else. Because this is what’s going to REALLY test your metal in staying quit. And this may start to sound like a drug commercial, that lists a bazillion side effects that come with the fixing of one problem lol but in this case, you have to take it in stride. These side effects are things that tell you your body is getting better.

When I quit, I had a myriad of weird things happen. In fact, it got to the point where every single day there was something new cropping up and making me go omgwtfnao???!?! This is the result of withdrawal symptoms and a phenomenon known as “quitters flu” I was dizzy for weeks…  I got physically sick like I had a cold or the flu… I got quit zits (another manifestation that occurs from your body cleansing itself from the poison) I was also really tired… but I did have a concussion from a bike wreck at the time, so it could have been partly due to that as well. The worst thing of all, was the rage (which while harsh, didnt last that long) and the nic fits, which Ill still sometimes get… or more, like something still feels missing at times. No matter how much u vape, you will be subject to periodic cravings. You just can’t give into it.

On the other hand, some ppl claim they had zero anything after quitting. And you could possibly be like them, esp if you didn’t smoke a lot or very long to begin with. But just don’t be surprised if you do get some of this, or even all of it. I wasn’t expecting it, so I did a total wtf.

Here is the full list:

Quitters flu- the nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing postnasal drip so you can’t rest medicine. All joking aside, most ppl get it… it feels like you’ve got a cold, pretty much. A sore throat isn’t uncommon either. When you stop smoking, your body’s functions are able to work properly. So, it will be like a machine that turns on suddenly and starts cleaning all the crap out. That’s also why you get quitters flu.

Quit zits- Zits you get on your face (and possibly other places, tho I didn’t) coz your body is cleaning itself out anyway it can.. in this case, it just happens to be via pores and channels through the subcutaneous regions of your skin. I didn’t get a ton of them though, and they were small… if that puts anyone’s mind at ease.

Dizziness – a result of your body getting more oxygen than you’re used to. Its like a natural high! But also like never coming down… your dizzy in the morning and dizzy in the night. Unfortunately, this one tends to linger on for a couple mos… because as you progress in your quit, your body gets more and more oxygen. It will finally stabilize tho.

Vertigo- Moreover than dizziness, you could also have bouts of vertigo. Vertigo is different from just general dizziness, in that, the entire room feels like its spinning, where as dizziness just gives you a bit of buzzing and a slight imbalance. I had both, and the vertigo may have also been a result of my bike wreck concussion. But I had my first bout of vertigo after I quit and before I wrecked, with another episode after wrecking. So, though both things could have caused it, I attribute it more to quitting smoking (and there are other cases of it too) If you have a case of it, don’t worry, it doesn’t last long and there’s a maneuver you can do to help (google it) But do be careful, coz you can fall and hurt yourself from the spinning sensation.

Dehydration- You will get dry mouth, dry eyes, etc. Even burning in your eyes could happen. I had it happen for about a week or two. Thirst is also an issue. Drink more water… it will help with a myriad of symptoms from quitting smokes. The e-juice can also dehydrate you, so drinking more water will offset that.

Fatigue- Ive read it comes on too… and I did have some serious fatigue. But as mentioned, I had a concussion so I wasn’t sure if it was quitting, the concussion or both. It didn’t really last long with me though… a few days.

Insomnia- another issue you will deal with. I had a few sleepless nights right after quitting. Fortunately, it didn’t linger… but it was annoying as hell.

After the fatigue, your energy increases… and this is a good thing. But its also a bad the way it manifested in me. It made me almost excitable and coz I had all this weird exuberance, I talked in this heightened, erratic-almost manner… like my brain was going 90 miles an hour and my mouth couldn’t keep up. It also made me talk a little louder than normal. Id get almost flustered and disconcerted at times. It does eventually level out, though. I don’t think that one lasted very long.

Your extremities tingle. Your hands, feet, etc will have a slight pins and needles kind of feeling to them. This is your circulation coming back.

I also had a lot of gas (not to be gross… and not coming out of THAT end) I burped a lot. This is a normal symptom of quitting too, as I read its your body expelling the crap lining your stomach (the bad stuff from cigs is all in your body… not just your lungs)

Another thing I found is that I can’t yell for any length of time, or sing loudly. When I do, it hurts (or at best, gets an irritation… its not really painful, more like itchy and annoying) and I get a frog in my throat. This, Im convinced, is coz of two things…. the tobacco desensitized my throat allowing me to do so before and not get all scratchy and irritated. It could also be that my throat is healing from smoking, and it will just take some time to get back to normal.

Weight gain is a possible manifestation for a few reasons: A) You eat more to psychologically replace a hand to mouth fixation you get from smoking B) Nicotine is an appetite suppressant… without substantial amounts, you could feel hungrier than you used to C) Nicotine actually speeds up your metabolism, as its a stimulant. Without it at the levels your body has become accustomed to, your metabolism slows down. But once it levels out, you should be able to lose the weight. And top end, no one has really gained more than a few lbs to maybe 10 tops. Don’t let the fear of gaining weight stop you from quitting. In my case, at first I felt hungrier, but refused to give into it, coz I knew that was one of its deadly traps (or if you do, you could choose things like fruit or yogurt or drink water to fill you) I did gain a few lbs, but I think it was the metabolism slowing down factor (coz I didnt eat any more than I ever have) And now, Im starting to drop it again. Another thing, mentioned in the next section, is that food will taste better… which can also attribute to weight gain.

Finally, the usual psychological manifestations of obsessing (you will constantly think about cigs, dream about cigarettes, talk about cigarettes to the point of utter exhaustion) rage (a rage so bright and ferocious, it makes the hulk look wussy) And even sometimes a hopeless feeling like something is gone. That latter also switches with a lighter feeling, off and on, which Ill get to in the next section. You may also be prone to more frustration than usual. You just have to keep that in mind, and warn other ppl.. hey I just quit smoking, run, hide or Id turn back if I were you!!!

Here it is 3 mos later, and I feel pretty damn good. I no longer am dizzy and all the weirdness mentioned above has gone. I can breathe again and my lung capacity is amazing. The withdrawls and quitters flu can be nasty and even scary at times, but if you’re worried, just google it and you will quickly see theres a myriad of things you will experience when you quit smoking, as well as people going through the same stuff. It will help abate your fears and help you hang in there, so you can fully quit smoking.

But with the bad, comes the good. And these will also be manifestations you experience.

For one, your taste will come back and it will slap you in the face LOL I noticed soda was a lot fizzier than it was when I smoked. But you may also find you no longer like certain things you did before. Or even now like things u didnt before. Food will taste better too, which could also attribute to the weight gain mentioned above.

Your smell will be a lot stronger too. Pleasant aromas will be nice… stinky trash will suck lol Your nose is going to become that of Steve Martin’s in Roxanne. I dont mean the length, just its ability to smell from crazy distances.

Your skin will also look better, coz your capilaries will start repairing themselves too. You will develop a colorful, glowing and less sallow look. This also extends to your hair and nails. Your teeth will whiten from the lack of tar buildup on them (mine were never that yellow, but I have seen improvement… but is also coz I had my whole mouth redone @ the dentist LOL) Also, nails will stop being yellow too… but mine were never yellow to begin with.

You will be able to breathe again. Your lung capacity will increase, and in my case where I bike ride (and have for a couple yrs now) allow you to never get winded from physical exertion.

You will SAVE MONEY! Vaping is a hell of a lot cheaper and the juice lasts a lot longer (tho that comes down to how much you vape too) To give an example: I was smoking a pack a day… so I save 200$ every month Im quit. 30 ml of juice lasts me 1-2 weeks (prolly closer to 2 weeks) and costs me 32$ a month. With coils that last 2 weeks, tap on 5$ to that. Its a world of difference on the money front.

Last but not least… it helped a lot with my anxiety issues. I will have to see how it does long term, but I surmise a lot of what was causing them (even if not completely) were the chemicals in cigarettes. My outlook was also a lot brighter, less clouded with dark thoughts in general. Its weird… it feels a bit like a weight was lifted off you.

Aside from physical benefits, it has others. Such as no more ashes everywhere, no more burned holes in clothing or burn marks in furniture. It doesn’t make your house stink (and those of you against smoking inside, can now vape inside carefree) It doesnt make you stink and your breath stink (my mouth actually has this funny perfumy thing perpetually going on), and secondhand smoke no longer affects those around you, like your children. I like it a lot better just based on that, alone. You will have more free time, you won’t have to constantly be at the mercy of non-smoking in different places, always having to go outside at inconvenient times. You can also get away with vaping in certain places publicly, as well perfecting the art of stealth-vaping coz you no longer have to light a smoking analog… but I don’t really like to go against the grain and cause people who don’t understand duress. So I still wait til I’m outside or in a smoking section. Unless its a place that freely allows vaping.

Nicotine is an amazing drug. It has the potential for good and bad. The key is like most things… nothing in excess.

Some clinical stuff to keep in mind… nicotine withdrawals will stop within a few hours of quitting cigs.. and is completely out of your system in 3 days (though, if you’re vaping, it won’t be, obviously lol) After 3 days, any physical withdrawals occurring from the nicotine itself should be gone. But there is still some psychological issues you will go thru… lingering results of quitting (like quitters flu) and possibly withdrawals from the other hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. They are truly nasty things that do terrible stuff to your body… its worth the suffering of quitting, to actually quit.

But what about cigs that is so bad, isn’t actually the nicotine itself. Its all those other chemicals in them and the carbon dioxide that results from burning tobacco, as well as the tar. This is also what keeps you addicted. What makes you sick. What gives you anxiety and freakout and makes you believe you will never escape their wrath.

Another thing to keep in mind is the absorption. Absorption is very different in the lungs with vaporized nicotine than it is with smoke from a cigarette. Even though the juice will have, say 24 mg, you will absorb a lot less than that actual mg. The absorption rate is actually what brought about the cigarette industry, because burning the tobacco resulted in a greater absorbancy and a faster effect occurring as a result. Its also why its much harder to quit the analogs… coz you are re-addicted the very second you smoke it and due to its timed delivery system, the minute you stop, you are feening again, can only hold out for so long and soon light up another. Its a vicious cycle. You have to think of these things in terms of nicotine delivery systems… just one way is a much cleaner and healthier delivery system (Vaping) while the other is less healthy, but instantaneous (smoking) Yes, because Vaping has a much lower absorbency, you will not get the immediate buzz you would get from smoking a cig. But you will also absorb a lot less actual nicotine vaping as well, and it will not hold you in the perpetual and uncontrollable thrall that cigs do. With vaping, u usually take a few drags, and put it down for awhile. You can go long periods of time without feeling the need to vape as well. Some ppl do vape a lot tho… some, all the time, even. Because they like it, or they psychologically feel the need to. I find I can take it or leave it.

Nicotine has some benefits in its pure form, as do most drugs when used properly. To name a few… they surmise it might possibly stop Alzheimers, as it improves memory and cognitive function. They are also studying it as a potential for curing parkinson’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and it also grows new blood vessels. It also fires neurons which stimulates brain chemicals such as seratonin and dopamine, among others. Also, as we’ve already established, its an appetite suppressant … and it speeds your metabolism as a stimulant. It could possibly be used in extreme cases of obesity for weight loss as well, perhaps in patch form. For a full list of benefits, check it out on google.

BUT… also keep in mind… nicotine is poison. Its a nighshade, or rather a derivative of Tobacco (Solanaceae Nicotiana) as an alkaloid. Tobacco itself belongs to the nightshade family, which may not mean much to some people, but its basically the deadliest family of plants in existence (most of its exploits are poisonous, which include belladonna and datura) Be careful when handling e-liquid and do not ingest the liquid. Don’t worry if u get some on your hands or even in your mouth… it happens, and will not kill you (probably won’t even make you sick.. it never has me) Because what you’re vaping isn’t absolutely pure nic… its mixed with PG/VG and flavors and has only a few drops of pure nic. But be sure to spit it out, or wash your hands, as a safety measure. And if you ever decide to attempt to mix your own, wear gloves… coz that will be pure nic you’re dealing with then.


K So you’ve made up you’re mind… you want to quit. You’re going to buy a vape or an ecig. But you don’t know where to begin. Well, start right here.

When I made up my mind I wanted to try vaping, I researched a lot of it. I am one of those types that likes to fully know what I’m getting myself into lol So here is some info that will help others. I’ve tried to arrange it in a fashion that covers the most important stuff to the preferential things being listed last.

I also encourage you to read forums and do other research on the subject. Don’t take my word for it… make the best educated decision you can.

Its made of one or a couple ingredients, or bases, which allow the nicotine to be vaporized (not including the flavors)

The first and foremost is PG (propylene glycol) If you have worries about this going in your lungs, let me help abate them…. they use it in albuterol inhalers for Asthma. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Its also used in a myriad of other things, from health and beauty supplies to even food. You will also see alarmist type people rail on that its used in antifreeze. What they don’t bother to mention is that, the reason its in antifreeze, was coz the FDA made it mandatory to use it as a base in antifreeze instead of its predecessor base chemical. PG makes the antifreeze safer. The FDA noting that, made it the mandatory base, because dogs were ingesting it before, and dying.

The second ingredient is Vegetable glycerine…. which at its basic form, is nothing more than a sugar alcohol and is also used in pharmaceuticals.

Nautrally, the next ingredient is flavor. Whether these are actually natural though, depends on where you get your juices. And also, you should take note if you have any allergies to foods or spices. You can get a myriad of flavors, tho… be it fruity, tobacco flavoring or chocolates and coffees and will ultimately come down to taste. But I’m comparing apples to oranges, now.

Finally, pure nicotine. This will come in measures of 24mg all the way down to 0, and you can specify what you want.

If you’re diabetic, coz some part of the juice metabolizes as a sugar, vaping may not be safe for you as it could cause spikes in your glucose levels (something which I just learned actually, from a fellow vaper) Also, PG tends to cause lactic acid to form in your joints (which naturally forms that aside, and is what causes them to crack, like knuckles) So you may be subject to some aching, or extra cracky joints. You might want to keep that in mind if you have arthritis or are prone to gout and other arthritic conditions. While I dont want to say oh it will make it worse, it certainly couldn’t make it better. These are just things you may want to think about. Without clinical trials, no one really knows how bad the effects on pre-existing conditions like that could be. If in doubt, consult your doc. And remember, PG can also dehydrate you, as mentioned earlier… so drink water.

The combo of these two bases (PG and VG) is changeable, depending on where you get your juice. Some places use a combo of both (at different percentages of measure) while others may use one or another. The power is in knowing always whats in your juice, so only use reputable places that list its base content. I get my juice from Viper-Vape, and the bottles will always say what the mg is, as well as if its PG/VG or only one. You can also get juice that is made to order… where u specify what you want in it, be it mg strength or the pg/vg or a combo of both.

The way the PG and VG work: There is a bigger vapor with the VG, which is thicker with a less throat hit… but the throat hit comes with the PG, which is thinner and produces less vapor. This is why places do combos of the two.

Some people may find they have a sensitivity to the PG or the VG, which results in nausea. If this happens to you, try to get juice with only one or the other, and try both til you get one that works. If it doesn’t stop the nausea….

MG Strength: The strength of nicotine in MG. Also changeable… most places allow you to order how much you want. 24 is rather high, but is where most folks start out. If you get nausea, you could also try lowering your mg, as it might be too high for you. 24mg never bothered me, but I dropped it to 12mg nearly immediately, just coz 24 seemed really high to me.

Also, nicotine poisoning can result in nausea along with dizziness and vomiting. It could be the result if you vape a lot and your mg is really high (but obviously, if ur not vaping a lot or have low mg, probably isnt the case)

If that still doesn’t stop the nausea, it could be the result of quitting smoking (if u have) or nic withdrawals.

Also, there have been cases of allergies to PG. If this should happen to you, switch to the 100% VG.

As mentioned earlier, Vapes are not marketed as NRT’s. So they make no claims that it will help any individual to quit smoking (even though droves of people have quit using vaping and e-cigs)

The most important thing to realize is, vaping and the juice has not been tested by the FDA, nor is it currently approved by them. There are independent studies and some forms of clinical research that have been done on its effects… Ive even seen a vaper’s x-rays in my research, the difference which was astounding. But nothing that has studied the effects of vaping in the long term (as vaping is relatively new)

However, its also my opinion that this cuts both ways…. if the FDA and tobacco companies did have their hands in it, would your juice be as safe as it is now? They’ve already been guilty of putting additives in cigs that make you more addicted (in the name of more money) the effects of which are more harmful than pure nicotine is (nic which actually has some benefits when taken in its pure form) Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, they took the deadliest and most addictive substance on earth, and made it LEGAL to buy and smoke en masse (while they fuss over things like legalizing medical marijuana lol) We can’t really trust them to do the right thing, either. So its a decision you have to make yourself. My feeling is, its clearly better than cigarettes, which were already doing their worst to you. Any improvement is a good thing.

The FDA and big tobacco companies (such as Phillip Morris) are starting to get their hands into the e-cig industry, however. Probably recognizing its potential for making money, as the industry has boomed in the last several years. I am of two minds on the FDA: It will be nice for it to be thoroughly tested and even regulated, so we always know whats in the juice… but it may not be so nice for it to be regulated, as mentioned earlier, can we trust them to be entirely forthcoming? How that will change this industry, we shall see. If it becomes subject to high taxing and yet another thing we taint with chemicals and addictive harmful substances to hook people on it, vaping might not be such a lovely thing any longer. It will be interesting to see how it plays out… but hopefully, it won’t result in abject disappointment.

This is really a personal preference, and u will have to experiment some to find a good combo.

I recommend the clearos to beginners, and preferably a starter kit…. coz they are low maintenance tanks that are decent, and put off a lot of vapor. And if you get a starter set, ull get the tanks, batteries, a bottle of juice and the charger/wall plug for a good price, as a bundle type thing. Starter kits will also introduce you to vaping, and the tank will already be pretty much assembled for you, to make it easier. You can experiment with getting different tanks later, once you get used to how the parts all assemble.

Also, Ill highly recommend the BDC’s (bottom dual coil) as they are an airtight, leakproof and solid design and I just prefer them. They are my favorite tanks of all the ones I’ve tried. The pic in the blog shows a few of my BDC’s (the short ones are glass, the tall skinny one is a clearomizer of the same design and brand… just plastic instead)

What material you want to get is also a preference. I like the glassomizers best, but they also have plastic tanks (called clearomizers) which work well, and metal tanks (called cartomizers) The weight may also have a factor in which one you’d choose. Glass and metal tanks can be a bit heavier, or even bulkier. I also think the metal tanks have a bit of a metallic taste to them.

As for the size of the tank…. don’t use your vape, to overcompensate lol All hokiness aside, I will say for me, less has been more. Its been my experience that larger tanks result in less of a hit (or having to take a deeper drag to equate to the normal hit of a smaller tank) I would make a calculated guess that its because there is more fluid in the tank as a result of its size, and takes longer to heat up and thus vaporize. Some ppl like the bigger tanks tho, coz they have to refill less. But they will be bulkier and therefore, also harder to handle.

Really tho, its as individual as how you like to wear your hair or how you like anything. Everyone is different there. Best to experiment and get some different ones, as money allows.

These are lithium batteries which come in different mah (voltage) Each mah will roughly measure the time you will get out of a charge. So a 650mah will roughly last you 6.5 hrs…. up to 1300mah, which is about 13 hours. I get my 650’s from Viper Vape for about 16$ each. The higher the mah, the more expensive they get.

Stay away from mods, as they have been known to explode and cause fires. There have been incidents where this occurred (which you can google to read more about) Encased batteries and ego batteries are always the safest bet. They also sell batteries where you can also adjust the voltage, called twists (for a better taste and more vapor) which usually have fault switches that stop them from short circuiting. These are also good ones to get, coz of that safety feature. They are also more expensive tho (ranging from 24$-28$ at viper vape)

You will probably want at least 2 batteries to start, so if one dies, you’re not stuck without a battery. They also have pass-through batteries that will let you charge and vape at the same time.

Typically, the threading used on the batteries are standard ego threading or 510. I stick with those, coz everything is universal then. Some other types of threading might exist, but require other peripherals being purchased to charge them. Ego (510) is the standard mostly, so these are what you will find the most of.

The batteries are charged via a wall charger with a USB port on said plug, which operates with a usb plug on one side and a 510 threaded component on the other for the battery itself. This is a two piece set, usually, which you have to buy separate (but don’t worry.. they’re not really expensive -on average, maybe 20$ for both tops) But you can also get just the USB plug and use an iPhone wall plug (among others) that you already have on hand. I use my iPhone plug to do that a lot.

Some single unit chargers may also exist (where it skips the usb part altogether- the battery goes into the plug, the plug to the outlet) I’m not sure there, as Ive never seen one for the vapes per se. The dry herb vapes tend to have em tho, so surely regular vapes do somewhere.

Again, if you have a ego (510) battery, or some other threading, your charger will need to match. So be sure to check that when buying one.

A word of caution… do not use a computer to charge your batteries. I have heard stories about them crashing systems. I’ve never tried to know for certain one way or another, but since my machine is my mode of business and making money, I don’t dare.

A loaded question lol its a hard one to answer. You will just have to get a sample pack and try many you think you will like. Starter packs usually have a like 5 flavors in small bottles, meant for trying for taste. So its the best thing to get when you first start out.

Me, I stick to tobacco flavor, coz I didn’t feel fruit would properly mimic the action of smoking, and I thought it wouldn’t help me quit as much. Plus, I just really like viper vape’s american tobacco. But there are folks that swear by their fruits as well, so don’t necessarily apply my logic to it. Also, while you may think coffees and chocolates and vanillas would be awesome, think again lol they are really strong and not very pleasant… at least, that is how I feel on them, and Im a coffee/chocolate/vanilla fiend when it comes to eating them. But again, some folks might be different.

This is one of those things where I can’t give anyone good advice… it comes down to personal, um… taste.

Coils are pretty different depending on your tank. There are wicked coils, and BDC (as already mentioned) among others. And each will have a different longevity (also dependent on how much you vape)

As a general rule, if your vape starts to taste nasty, or have a burnt kinna taste to it, the coil prolly needs changed. This occurs usually 1 wk – 2 wks time, depending on the coil (and possibly, even longer)

Coils are very inexpensive to replace (costing like 2$-4$ tops), but if money is tight, you can also clean them out and dryburn them. Im not going to cover instructions how, as it varies according to your specific tank… but there are a lot of video tuts on google and youtube that will show you what to do. Just google it with your tank’s name.

Am I replacing smoking with vaping, respectively?

Yes and no. It really depends on the type of person you are, and your willingness to let go of the habit completely. Some ppl say they will never give up the vape, because they like it and its healthier so they see no reason. Others have had no issues giving up the vape/e-cig.

One thing to keep in mind is that, the juice will come in any mg strength, down to 0 – 0 meaning no nicotine whatsoever, so if you’re adamant about losing the nicotine completely, that will help you to do so. It could also help ween you off the vape completely, if you so choose.

For the hand to mouth fixation, well… only you can really stop a habit, like that or even biting nails. That is something that comes down to mind over matter. The action is a little different, so its not like you’ll completely equate it to smoking, or even possibly develop an automatic new habit with vaping. But you could, and I can’t discount the possibility there. However, if its between vaping or smoking…. I think vaping is the lesser of two evils.


And I think that covers most of the major stuff. As always, if you guys have any questies please feel free to ask. I am always happy to share my experience and help others to quit smoking. I know how good it is to do so, and love to pay it forward. Without vaping, I am convinced I probably wouldn’t have been able to quit smoking. It truly has been a wonderful thing for me.

But one final warning: To really quit, you have to be ready to quit. The vape won’t do it all… you have to be dedicated and willing to give it your all. You have to be mentally open to embrace what it will throw at you… even if you like the taste of smoking. Coz I promise you, they really taste nasty. They are inhibiting your ability to actually taste what the filthy things really taste like. These are subtle nuances you can only realize with an open mind that will see it thru.

Last but not least… here are a few places for getting vaping supplies and E-Juice, which I use or have been shared by friends. I may add to the list as time goes on. I believe in sticking with reputable companies and establishments that are tried and true by people I know. So, wanted to pass that information on as well. You can also find dealers more locally, too. There are a couple kiosks in malls I shop with.





http://capevape.co.za/ (located in S. Africa)

https://www.fasttech.com/ (located in Hong Kong)


PS: the picture is of a few of my tanks, which are all BDC types. Figured Id add em as a visual reference lol I have a lot of tanks (even more than in the picture) coz I experimented a lot to find my perfect one… and I like switching them up sometimes too, plus there are two of us that vape, which usually results in buying 2 of everything. But you don’t need to buy as many. One good tank is more than enough for anyone… maybe with a backup just in case.


How I feel about Genesis

So now that Ive done everything for Genesis that Id do for a V4 set, I have better formulated an opinion on what I think of the tech. So here goes….

Character Creation:

The tech in DAZ Studio is freakin brilliant. Esp if you have Z. You just zoom it back and forth (and can infinitely, even if later u need to change something) save the morph and whatnots, create a card and ur done. I like the card presentation better than the icky bitty teeny tiny thumbnails. You can actually see it, and its far less boring. Also the character presets are badass… u just click it, it will load geni, your morph and a default tex applied. Better than any inject for sure.

No inj’s/rem’s to deal with. That makes DS far easier and nicer to make characters for.

Also, being able to adjust the rig to your character morph is doubly brilliant. No more restrictions coz of how something is rigged. You can rig it to your morphs. Technically, you can also create a pose for an edited gen 4 rig, to apply to a certain morph that screws up joints… but its messy, and not many even know how to do it.

Clothing Creation:
Also brilliant. You pop it in, you transfer the rig, adjust your WM’s and you’re solid. Most of the morphs are auto generated to be acceptable, leaving only certain ones that need tweaked – this takes a lot of the work away. I still do a bazillion adjustments, either way, and Im sure there will be times I do movements. But not having to deal with fitting issues that gen 4 has is really nice.

I like that you can overwrite existing morphs. I also like that you can have an obj grouped anyway you want, and it wont matter… as long as the no of vertices is correct overall, it will work. No matter how its grouped. And going gen 1 to gen 2 mors  on the same outfit will even work (but will likely need changed, unless the morph is exactly the same)

Adding bones is nothing, grouping in there is also nothing. WM’s look generally nicer, but can be a pain if you model a certain way (though, not impossible, as Ive done it) It does require a certain method of modelling, for it to be simple.

Rigidity maps are awesome…. finally, a way to stop morph distortion from happening on hard surfaces.

JCM’s are brilliant…. I wanna do my JCM’s like that all the time. No more messing with code.

But most of all, I have said in the past I wish everything had collision detection – esp clothing. Well, Genesis does… and its one benefit it has that Poser doesn’t. It makes life so much easier.

Not much to be said here… the only thing I would suggest to DAZ, is allowing prop rot/trans/scale information to be coded into the pose, so you can adjust the prop for each pose. The one size fits all method is doable, but very restrictive.

In some ways, I do like posing in DS better. In some ways, I don’t. Therefore, I am neutral on this.

Not much to be said here… its about the same, really. Again, neutral.

Are still pretty primitive, unless you are using shader baker or ubersurface. The SSS Shader AOA did is brilliant, tho… it rivals, and even surpasses Poser’s SSS and light emission capabilities.

DSON: Making DSON files is pretty easy too. The only thing is that it doesn’t like when u kill bones (as Poser works best when u extend one bone outside of a geom) and in some cases, there may be good reason for killing them. Honestly though, I find the DSON thing sort of eh….. its much better to have natively rigged content. It really wouldn’t affect my decision on a purchase.

Converting a Genesis set (with a character, clothing, poses, props) to Gen 2 is also really easy, quick and amazingly exacting. I did most of mine in one day. The uv transfer utility is also brilliant, in that it will convert gen 4 character maps to V6’s uvs with almost no issue whatsoever (the only issue I had, was a slight crinkling in an eyelash map, which is an easy fix) Also, no seams. I had to adjust the props a little, but everything works pretty well.

Dealing with tabs in DS is annoying at first, but u do get used to it. Also, u can right click on a clothing item, and quick select it to apply materials. That makes it a little easier to deal with tabs.

What would normally take 2+ weeks to test in my personal group of testers, has only taken 1 week. Its that much easier.

The overall:
Though, there are some things I find annoying, the fact is… I like it. In fact, I might like it too much. As much as I hate to say it, Im having trouble going back to Gen 4 and Poser. I can now understand why people have moved onto Genesis content. And though, I dont currently have sales info, if they turn out to be really good, that will make it even harder.

The fact is, DAZ really did a brilliant job with the tech. Though, it took me awhile to get into it, now that I am, I’m finding it hard to turn back.

Does that mean Ill not do Gen 4 stuff? Well… that depends on the sales. We will see which is stronger.


New DAZ Studio Icons

I wanted new ones. Here they are….

Download DS Icons



Release Date: May 2013
Store Product Page: Phantoms


Looking for the perfect minions to carry out your most devious plans?

First debuting in Azraella, the speed demon is a live entity that flies around her and does her bidding.

But this speed demon has been ugraded, so its better than ever. Now, it is a figure (instead of a prop) that will make ghostly or fiery skulls that fly around and wreak havoc, terrifying all whom they come across. With tons special trailing morphs (and new effects that are different than the ones in Azraella) as well as fire textures (which include many different colors now as well) you can quickly and easily make spooky skulls that swirl about your scenes in the most freaky manner. They also glow in the dark, and emit light in poser 9 (with IDL enabled)

But maybe you want just a normal skull, to litter about your scenes….. well, you can do that too! The set comes with a plain skull material and a myriad of morphs to change the expression and style. The plain skull textures also have baked ambient occlusion for natural depth and shadowing. Additionally, the Jaw on the figure hinges and you can hide the fangs and teeth, or the entire jaw.

Also included as a bonus, is a special drippy candle that rests upon the skull, for your alchemist apothecary’s or an evil queen’s wicked den. The candle has subsurface scattering, and the flame emits light. Easily change the color of the candle as well, as it has its own MATs.

Take your creepiest scenes one step further!

===== LIST OF CONTENTS: =====

Phantoms Skull Figure
* Blank channels for Pose INJ support
* Hinging jaw

Skull MATS
* Natural
* Flamez – Blue
* Flamez – Greek Fire
* Flamez – Orange
* Flamez – Phantom
* Flamez – Purple
* Flamez – Red
* Flamez – Yellow

Skull Utility MATS
* Hide Jaw
* Hide Teeth
* Hide Fangs

Candle MATS
* Black
* Blue
* Green
* Purple
* Red
* Yellow
* White

* Melty Candle (with light emitting flame in PP2012)


Using the contents of this set is pretty simple; just browse to your figures library and locate the “Phantoms” folder within. Just click the Phantoms figure to load.

The skull contains many morphs, which should be dialed from the BODY actor when using (or “Phantoms” in DS) The first set is a series of trail morphs, which are designed to work with the flame materials (as using these on the natural texture would look weird) These morphs will create trails on the figure, which gives it its Phantom look.

The next series of morphs are Expressions, and these can be used with any of the textures (but are more intended for the natural skull texture) These will give the skull personality, whether he looks angry, happy, surprised, etc.

Last but not least, are style morphs. These will change the style of the skull… such as elongating it, giving it an alien look, creating spikes and more.

There are materials for the skull, which are flame colors, natural (to make the skull look normal) and utility mats that will turn off certain pieces, allowing more versatility.

Included in the set is a melty candle, which perches perfectly atop the skull (and parents to it) This is for apothecary styled renders, or a wicked queens lair. There are 7 mat colors for the candle itself, and the flame emits light in Poser 9/2012 or higher. To make it emit light, you must have IDL enabled, and something for it to cast light against.

The candle mats also contain SSS (which will require UberSurface for DS – Poser 9/2012 and SSS enabled on your render settings)

===== OTHER NOTES: =====
Color coded and labeled templates for all figures and props are available, so you can make your own textures.

Skull figure has blank injection channels for custom morph support

The thumbnails for the files are the standard 91X91 resolution, so that they will show properly in DAZ Studio. If you are a poser 5 or higher user and prefer the larger thumbnails (which are 125×125 in size), you can download them here: Phantoms

Please Note:
Bigger thumbnails will NOT work in DAZ Studio, nor lower versions of Poser, so only download these if your using Poser 5 and higher.

Instructions to install larger thumbnails:
These are set up to the same exact locations as the original sets thumbnails. To install, simply unzip it to your Poser Runtime, and overwrite the old thumbnails.

Technical Support is always available. If you have questions that need answers, feel free to email me — IgnisSerpentus@damageinc3d.net


Scorpion God

Release Date: March 2013
Store Product Page: Scorpion God



Scorpion God

Regardless of whether you want to inspire fear or reverence…. this outfit is surely to inspire one thing: Love at first sting

Scorpion God is an Egyptian warrior outfit with some punch… for it has emblazened upon it a symbol both revered and feared in Egypt; one that reminds us that death ever walks with us – the Scorpion. Carefully crafted to be both Egyptian styled, with brutal thrown into the mix, it has all you need to rush into the bloodiest of battles… and come out the ultimate victor.

Also included for your battle fighting needs is an Egyptian Scorpion Khopesh, which works with the sword fighting poses included, as well as extra textures for the entire outfit, so you can change it up a bit, and match your scenes. The helm has both cloth and scale maille options, as well.

It is sure to be the fiercest armor you’ve ever owned.


Scorpion God Outfit
* Skant
* Loin Cloth
* Bracers
* Helm
* Pauldrons
* Pectoral
* Sandals

MATS for Clothing
* God Of The Sun
* God Of The Moon

Utility MATS for Clothing
* Skant – Bodyhandles Off (DS)
* Skant-Upper Cloth Off
* Loin Cloth – Scorpion Off
* Loin Cloth – Cloth Off
* Pectoral – Scarab Off
* Helm – Scorpion Off
* Helm – Plating Off
* Helm – Cloth Off
* Helm – Top Off
* Khopesh-Scorpion Off

Egyptian Khopesh
* Left and Right hand parents
* Textures to match outfit textures

Poses for M4
* 10 Egyptian styled poses
* 10 Poses that work with the Khopesh


* Morphs ++ (Thin, Bulk, Definition, Young, Emaciated)
* Elite (Spartan, Adonis, Svelte)
* Adjustment Morphs on all pieces
* Leg Movement Morphs on Skant and Loin Cloth
* Style Morphs on Helm

Textures for Scorpion God
* Anubis
* Horus
* Ra
* Sobek
* Thoth

Includes textures for all pieces of the outfit, as well as the sword and hair


Using the contents of this set is pretty simple; just browse to your figures library and locate the “Scorpion God” folder within. Just click each one to load. To conform in Poser, go to figure/conform to and select Michael 4 in the dropdown list, then hit ok. You can also drag/drop all the pieces at once to conform to M4 if you are using Poser 2010 (P8) or higher. To conform in DS, simply left click on the outfit piece and hit “fit to” and choose Michael 4.

All the pieces in the set contain many morphs, which are intended for Morphs ++ and Elite. The outfit is also superconforming. Aside from Fit Morphs, there are also adjustment morphs on all the pieces (which will further help combat any pokethru you’d encounter) Last but not least, there are movement morphs for the skant and loin cloth, which will aid with posing M4’s legs. While the Skant has bodyhandles, the leg movement morphs will work best.

Aside from the outfit itself, there are also 2 full mats included for the whole outfit (and sword to match) as well as a myriad of utility mats which will allow you to turn off certain parts with ease, so you can have even more versatility.

Also included is a Khopesh, which has left and right hand parents. This sword also works with the poses (see below for more details) There are also mats included that will match the outfit mats, so you can acheive a seamless effect (or you can mix them if you’d like) Keep in mind, if you are using Poser especially, that pz2 mats can sometimes not work with props, because they require an actor to be in the scene – if you find you have trouble loading the sword mats, there are mc6 sword mats also included (and these will work flawlessly, even if the sword is loaded by itself with no actor)

Finally, there are 20 poses included.

The first 10 are Egyptian-esque poses and dont require the sword.
11-15 are for the left hand sword.
16-20 are for the right hand sword.

In order for these to work properly, you must load the correct sword hand with the pose you are wanting to use, then, after it has loaded to her hand, use the pose (in Poser, DS3 and lower) If you are using DS4, you will have to apply the poses to both M4 and the sword, for proper alignment. That is a DS4 only issue, however.

If you purchased Guardians of the Dead, you will get 5 extra textures to use on this set. They are named and colored after the gods of Egypt: Anubis, Horus, Ra, Sobek and Thoth. These are mostly pz2 files, which are pretty straightforward – the sword textures that match are also provided in mc6 format (as prop’s are quite fickle with pz2 mats, so should you encounter issues using the pz2’s, the mc6’s are there as a backup plan)

===== OTHER NOTES: =====
Color coded and labeled templates for all figures and props are available, so you can make your own textures.

All figures have blank injection channels for custom morph support

The thumbnails for the files are the standard 91X91 resolution, so that they will show properly in DAZ Studio. If you are a poser 5 or higher user and prefer the larger thumbnails (which are 125×125 in size), you can download them here: Scorpion God | Guardians of the Dead Thumbnails

Please Note:
Bigger thumbnails will NOT work in DAZ Studio, nor lower versions of Poser, so only download these if your using Poser 5 and higher.

Instructions to install larger thumbnails:
These are set up to the same exact locations as the original sets thumbnails. To install, simply unzip it to your Poser Runtime, and overwrite the old thumbnails.

As covered in the instruction section, when using the conforming clothing in Poser, you may need to use the Magnetize clothing to M4 poses (which come with M4) so that absolutely no poke thru will occur.

Technical Support is always available. If you have questions that need answers, feel free to email me — IgnisSerpentus@damageinc3d.net

===== DIVINITY: =====
This is the second release of Egyptian Divinity, in the Divinity series.

Other packs in this series include:
Serpent Goddess
Guardians of the Dead for Serpent Goddess
Olympian Goddess

And don’t forget the add-on for Scorpion God: Guardians of the Dead


Filter Forge Filters

So, I’ve climbed aboard the filter forge train, and I have obsessively and compulsively made so many plugins, Ive lost count LOL

Got Filter Forge, and looking for some new blood? Check it out….



Serpent Goddess

Release Date: March 2013
Store Product Page: Serpent Goddess | Guardians of the Dead



Serpent Goddess
Cruise the Nile in style – for no daughter of Egypt would be caught dead in dregs.

Serpent Goddess is an Egyptian styled outfit, inspired by the Cobra Goddess, Wadjet. But this is no mere Egyptian dress. Emblazened upon it are several cobras, entwined and ready to spit fire at your enemies! It also features typical elements you would find on Ancient Egyptian costumes – from Solar disks representing Ra, to the Eye of Horus, as well as inlaid faience and precious stones.

The outfit also boasts versatility – you can turn off certain parts, and change it completely – from a bodice, to a bra, to a strapless top. The skirt parts can also be turned off, to leave only certain ones or the panty.

Also included is a staff, with a cobra rearing up and protecting the live disk of Ra, and poses that are made to go with the staff. Extra textures for the dress are also included, so you can change the color to represent different Goddesses of Ancient Egypt.

Whether you’re making a cobra goddess or a divine queen, this set is sure to the perfect fit for your Egyptian renders.


Serpent Goddess Outfit
* Bodice
* Skirt
* Sandals
* Armlets
* Pectoral
* Crown

MATS for Clothing
* Goddess Of The Sun
* Goddess Of The Moon

Utility MATS for Clothing
* Bodice – Bra Cups Off
* Bodice – Abdomen Off
* Bodice – Neck Strap Off
* Bodice – Snakes Off
* Skirt – Back Off
* Skirt – Sides Off
* Skirt – Sash Off
* Skirt – Middle Off
* Skirt – Snakes Off
* Skirt – Panty Only
* Armlets – L Side Off
* Armlets – R Side Off
* Armlets – Cuffs Off
* Crown – Cobra Off

Egyptian Hair
* Tails in front pose independently
* Movement and adjustment morphs

Egyptian Hair MATS
* Hair-Red
* Hair-Black
* Hair-Brown
* Hair-Comic Black
* HairBeads-Red Gold
* HairBeads-Black Gold
* HairBeads-Brown Gold
* HairBeads-Comic Black Gold
* HairBeads-Red Silver
* HairBeads-Black Silver
* HairBeads-Brown Silver
* HairBeads-Comic Black Silver
* HairHolders-Goddess of the Sun
* HairHolders-Goddess of the Moon

Cobra Staff Prop
* Left and Right hand parents
* Textures to match outfit textures

Poses for V4
* 10 Egyptian styled poses
* 10 Poses that work with Cobra Staff


* Amazon
* Thin
* Voluptuous
* BreastsSize
* BreastsLarge
* BreastsImplant
* BreastsNatural
* Fantasia
* Sylph
* Utopian
* Adjustment Morphs on all pieces
* Leg Movement/Movement Morphs on Skirt
* Snake Styles on Crown, Skirt and Bodice

Textures for Serpent Goddess
* Isis
* Nephthys
* Nut
* Sekhmet
* Wadjet

Includes textures for all pieces of the outfit, as well as the staff and hair


Using the contents of this set is pretty simple; just browse to your figures library and locate the “Serpent Goddess” folder within. In this folder are two folders: The clothing and the hair. Just click each one to load. To conform in Poser, go to figure/conform to and select Victoria 4 in the dropdown list, then hit ok. You can also drag/drop all the pieces at once to conform to V4 if you are using Poser 2010 (P8) or higher. To conform in DS, simply left click on the outfit piece and hit “fit to” and choose Victoria 4.

All the pieces in the set contain many morphs, which are intended for Morphs ++ and Elite. The outfit is also superconforming. Aside from Fit Morphs, there are also adjustment morphs on all the pieces (which will further help combat any pokethru you’d encounter) Last but not least, there are movement morphs for the skirt, which will extend its capability quite a bit.

Finally, if you’re using Poser, you will need to use V4’s magnetize poses with the outfit pieces

Aside from the outfit itself, there are also 2 full mats included for the whole outfit (and staff to match) as well as a myriad of utility mats which will allow you to turn off certain parts with ease, so you can have even more versatility.

Also included is a Cobra Staff, which has left and right hand parents. This staff also works with the poses (see below for more details) and has a utility mat included to turn off the cobra. There are also mats included that will match the outfit mats, so you can acheive a seamless effect (or you can mix then if you’d like) Keep in mind, if you are using Poser especially, that pz2 mats can sometimes not work with props, because they require an actor to be in the scene – if you find you have trouble loading the staff mats, there are mc6 staff mats also included (and these will work flawlessly, even if the staff is loaded by itself with no actor)

Finally, there are 20 poses included.

The first 10 are Egyptian-esque poses and dont require the staff.
11-15 are for the left hand staff.
16-20 are for the right hand staff.

In order for these to work properly, you must load the correct staff hand with the pose you are wanting to use, then, after it has loaded to her hand, use the pose (in Poser, DS3 and lower) If you are using DS4, you will have to apply the poses to both V4 and the staff, for proper alignment. That is a DS4 only issue, however.

If you purchased Guardians of the Dead, you will get 5 extra textures to use on this set. They are named and colored after the goddesses of Egypt: Isis, Nephthys, Nut, Sekhmet and Wadjet. These are mostly pz2 files, which are pretty straightforward – the staff textures that match are also provided in mc6 format (as prop’s are quite fickle with pz2 mats, so should you encounter issues using the pz2’s, the mc6’s are there as a backup plan)

===== OTHER NOTES: =====
Color coded and labeled templates for all figures and props are available, so you can make your own textures.

All figures have blank injection channels for custom morph support

The thumbnails for the files are the standard 91X91 resolution, so that they will show properly in DAZ Studio. If you are a poser 5 or higher user and prefer the larger thumbnails (which are 125×125 in size), you can download them here: Serpent Goddess

Please Note:
Bigger thumbnails will NOT work in DAZ Studio, nor lower versions of Poser, so only download these if your using Poser 5 and higher.

Instructions to install larger thumbnails:
These are set up to the same exact locations as the original sets thumbnails. To install, simply unzip it to your Poser Runtime, and overwrite the old thumbnails.

As covered in the instruction section, when using the conforming clothing in Poser, you may need to use the Magnetize clothing to V4 poses (which come with V4) so that absolutely no poke thru will occur.

Technical Support is always available. If you have questions that need answers, feel free to email me — IgnisSerpentus@damageinc3d.net

===== DIVINITY: =====
This is the first release of Egyptian Divinity, in the Divinity series. Thus far, only Greek has been done.

Other packs in this series include:


Olympian Goddess

And don’t forget the add-on for Serpent Goddess: Guardians of the Dead


Australia is Scarier than Florida Rant

When I speak of Florida, people (who are never actually FROM Australia, nor have any real idea about Florida) are always postulating to me, saying “You think that’s bad, you should see Australia!” As if it were some kind of competition. But well…. if we are going to postulate….  if u cant beat em, might as well join them.

The thing that people don’t realize is that, Florida is just as treacherous. In some ways, maybe even worse. The number one spot being right where I live – out in the Everglades. This isn’t an attempt to one-up Australia, but rather educate people on the differences and make people realize…. they’re not impressing me with their unruly misconceptions. I was raised in the bayou.

And just so you know, this was researched and fact checked, for accuracy.

So lets start from the top.

Shark attacks: People will always boast like Australia has the most shark attacks. But you would be dead wrong. Florida has the highest number per year, since we have quite a number of aggressive species, including hammerheads, tiger sharks, blacktips among others. Oh but Australia has great whites!!! So do we. While they may not be as frequent, they do come here more than you might realize.

Quick fact: If you swim in Florida’s ocean, you are swimming with sharks. Always. Most of the time, they are nurse sharks… which are a very docile reef species. But that isn’t to say there aren’t others present.

Since I started with fish, Ill continue on….

Australia has the box jellyfish. So do we. And other jellyfish species. And Portugese manowars.

We also have all types of rays (including the sting ray, and manta rays, the latter which is not really aggressive) lionfish, stone fish, blue ringed octopi, moray eels, banded sea snakes, marlins, barracuda and all kinds of other fish you want to stay the hell away from.

Quick fact: Ive been stung by sting rays…. I also got stung in the ass by a jellyfish. I’ve swam thru a school of barracuda as well.

We have gators, and Australia doesn’t. I usually then get “You might have gators, but Australia has crocodiles!” LOL So do we. We have the American croc, as well as Nile crocs (which aren’t native, naturally, but we still have them) Saltwater crocs have also been found.

Quick fact: Ive swam with crocs before, in the keys.

Quick fact: The difference between a Florida native and not- Floridians call em gators. Floridians also aren’t afraid of them.

As far as raptors go, we have em all, from vultures to eagles, owls, hawks and more… and Australia has the type of climate that possibly has most of them too. So Im not gonna bother with birds… fact is, they fly, they migrate…. so a lot of places could boast that. And if you’re lucky, you can actually see them here in action… swooping down and grabbing something from the ground or water. We even had a hawk living in our backyard tree that would prey on the numerous ducks that live in my neighborhood.

We also both have our fair share of bats, as well as fox. We have wolves and the occasional hyena (the latter which are probably the result of breeding or escapees from captivity) while Australia has dingoes (wild dogs that are similar, but far less aggressive than those two)

Venomous snakes- We have 6 different types of venomous snakes. Australia has the most venomous of them all – the inland taipan (one of my faves, actually) but we have copperheads, cottonmouths (aka water moccasins), coral snakes, Eastern diamondback, timber and dusky pigmy rattlesnake. Besides venomous snakes, we have all types of others, including the burmese python (which have been introduced via breeders into the Everglades, and has inundated it, to the point of threatening the balance of the ecosystem) as well as anacondas. In fact, there was a story that a burmese ATE a gator (and died after, by bursting) There have also been instances of vipers and cobras (but they are not native)

Quick fact: There have been more snake bites that have occurred in Florida than Australia. This is due to the fact most native species of Australia tend to be shyer in nature. But you are more likely to die in Australia, as they tend to be more venomous.

Another Quick fact: My old man wanted to be a herpetologist for a time… so we used to go tromping thru the Everglades regularly to catch snakes (and still do, but not to catch snakes these days) He has been bitten by a rattlesnake, and a couple cottonmouths. We also owned an 11 foot burmese python named Pantera…. it ate rabbits.

Spiders- Everyone always says spiders are HUGE in Australia ROFL In the everglades, we have spiders the size of your hand, and bigger. We have a preponderance of Banana spiders (orb weavers) which are not very aggressive… but they grow to be massive in size. They aren’t the only ones, either, that are massive… and some of the others ARE aggressive. We also have black widows, recluses, wolf spiders, jumping spiders and more. In the scheme of things, I wouldn’t be that terrified of a huge spider – afterall, you can see them. But the tiny and quite venomous black widow… there’s one to be truly terrified of.

Quick fact: All spiders are venomous – some just lack a mouth sizely enough to bite you.

Another Quick fact: I have no tolerance for spiders, whatsoever. While I will live and let live, if its on my turf and placed where it could hurt someone, a hit is ordered on it. My old man, on the other hand, relishes in taunting and tormenting them lol

Mosquitoes – this is our state bird LMAO!!! Well, you may not think they’re all that dangerous, but they are…. they carry west nile and other similar diseases that cause encephalitis and malaria. And you don’t even have to be in the Everglades for em. They are everywhere… and they are stealthy, quick and hard to kill. Alaskan Mosquitoes by comparison, are lethargic, large in size and easy to kill. We rather liked Alaskan Mosquitoes (if anyone could actually LIKE a mosquito) But mosquitoes are pretty much everywhere.

Fire ants. Not much to say here, except they suck. If you are allergic, you can end up in analphylactic shock. Also, everywhere.

Quick fact: I stepped in an ant pile once… my legs and feet were covered and stung quite badly. Good thing Im not allergic.

Scorpions – not horribly venomous ones, but they still hurt when they sting (and can make u pretty ill)

Quick fact: I love scorpions…. Ive always wanted a Black Emperor

Wasps. Bees, which arent that bad… but oh, we have africanized honey bees. They are vicious hybrids the govt bred and will chase your ass down for miles, just to sting you. And they attack in a swarm…. so they ALL sting you, sometimes, to death.

Quick fact: Bee charming is prominent in my family. Ive been stung only once by a bee, and only coz I stepped on it as a toddler. I’ve only been stung by a wasp once, and only coz it was caught in my hair. I have a crapload of wasps on my house at any given time… and they have often landed on me, or flew in my general vicinity… but they never sting me. I have a fascination for Wasps… I think they are pretty cool creatures.

Saddleback caterpillars: These are cute little fuzzy caterpillars that turn into butterflies eventually. If you touch one, you will know it. It burns worse than anything you’ve ever felt (even fire)

Quick fact: My old man and I have both been stung by saddlebacks more times than I can count.

We also both have horseflies (which hurt like hell when they bite you) and locusts.

What Australia DOESN’T have –
We have quite a large population of black bears. Yeah, well Australia has cute koalas but they don’t count (coz I know they’re not REALLY A bear – its just the closest in comparison…. and yes, they can be mean… but would you take on that or a black bear? The choice isn’t a hard one)

The Florida Panther – There is no stealthier killing machine, than a large cat. The Florida Panther is a type of cougar or mountain lion that’s at the top of the food chain here in Florida. They are an endangered species, due to poaching.

Quick fact: The Florida Panther can take out a gator, EASY.

The Bermuda Triangle – A spot where planes and boats have both gone missing more than once. Why, is a mystery. There are plenty of theories ranging from Aliens, to magnetic interference, as well as black holes.

Quick fact: Ive been in both the Bermuda triangle here and the one in Alaska – on boats and in planes.

Lets move onto climate–
Hurricanes – Ohhh, yes… we are the hurricane state. You may not think they’re that bad, but go thru one and see if that changes your tune. If unto themselves, they aren’t bad enuff, think of it this way – each hurricane spawns tornadoes. Its the best of both worlds! Sure, Australia sees its fair share of tropical cyclones, but not nearly as often as Florida.

That said, we don’t have Earthquakes here. We do have fault lines, so there is always the chance… but so far, nothing, really.

Lightning strikes – Florida is the lightning strike capital of the United States (as touted in the Guiness world book of records… I own a copy) The only place anywhere, to beat it, is Rwanda, Africa.

Quick fact: Floridians are DEATHLY afraid of lightning, by nature. We are so afraid of it, most of the populous won’t do anything in water during storms. But that said, we are way more unafraid about getting wet in a storm, than other people. Since it rains so frequently here (we are practically a rainforest) we are just used to rain.

The climate is nearly similar, otherwise. We are both really hot places, with tropical climate. The exception is that obviously, part of Australia is desert…. we don’t have desert, we are swamp land. It also NEVER snows in Florida. It snowed once in Miami in the 1970s. You can get flurries in North Florida, tho.

And the number one deadliest thing Florida has that Australia doesn’t? LIBERTY CITY. Its a city in Miami that is pretty much as ghetto as they come…. you can get shot here in broad daylight. I would take on all those animals before Liberty city lol (but we always at least, take a gun) The crime rate is also higher in Florida, and we have Zombies LOL

One thing Ive always found fascinating about Australia, is the marsupials. It DOES have the largest, most intriguing number of species that don’t live anywhere else. And I often wondered why they only inhabit Australia natively.

So, in the end, you see that BOTH places are quite treacherous – and I wouldn’t say either one is more than the other. They just are in different ways. So plz don’t be one of those ppl that try to one up me with their Australia is worse credo…. next time you’re in Florida, Ill take your ass swampin’ and laff the whole time 😉


Solar Fire Photoshop Brushes

Release Date: December 2012
Store Product Page: Solar Fire


Ever wanted those realistic sunsets in your images, but don’t know how to make flares?
Now you can illuminate your renders and make spectacular effects!

This set of Photoshop brushes will create sun flares in your images and add that extra something that really sets the image apart. You can mix and match em, to create your own flare. You can use them for space phenomenon, special effects, sunsets or to make magic – the possibilities are endless!

There are 32 singular flares, and 33 dynamic flares that are made from the singles, which create trails (as well as change the colors, when you have two colors selected on your color palette) The brush sets load separately, so you can load only what you’re going to use at a time.

===== LIST OF CONTENTS: =====

Solar Fire Brushes
* 32 Single Flares
* 33 Dynamic Trail Flares
* 32 PNG’s of single flares, for use in other programs
* PSD layer with single flares each on its own layer

===== INSTRUCTIONS: =====

For instructions on how to load and change settings, see the promo below (click to see larger)

===== OTHER NOTES: =====
Brushes are 4000px
Dynamic brushes are 1000px

CS5 or Lower:
Brushes are 2500px
Dynamic brushes are 1000px

These brushes were created in CS6. If you’re using CS5 or lower, the singular flare brushes will be smaller than 4000px (because lower versions of Photoshop cannot utilize brushes that large) If you are using CS6, you can take advantage of the full 4000 pixel resolution. The size in lower versions of Photoshop will be 2500px instead.

PNG Resolutions are 2819 x 2819

Brushes are compatible with Photoshop 7 and up
PNG’s require any software package that can read .png
PSD layer requires Photoshop, or anything that can read .psd

No known issues

Technical Support is always available. If you have questions that need answers, feel free to email me — IgnisSerpentus@damageinc3d.net


Rem limits from Genesis Morphs in Poser – DSON

Simple script (brought to you by myself and Thorne) that will remove limits from the morphs on Genesis, in Poser. This will allow you to dial them higher than 1.0000 and less than zero. But keep in mind, with great power, comes great responsibility. Use them wisely, as dialing certain things in the negative (or conversely, too high in the positive) will have non-aesthetically pleasing results.

Most of the DAZ morph sets are present – but this will not work on 3rd party morphs, nor morphs sets that I don’t currently own (covers Genesis Evolution Morphs, Creature Morphs, Victoria 5/Michael 5, Iconic Shapes morphs (gen 4 – V4, M4, Girl 4 and Freak 4) Gorilla, Anubis and possibly more)

Also, will not remove limits from JCM’s nor rotations/translation and scale.

Script is a pz2 for Poser. In can go into any folder in your pose library of Poser. After loading Genesis in Poser, just simply click the pz2.

To download, click here – Genesis-LimitsOffForPoser


Externalizing an OBJ on a Prop

Learn to externalize a prop’s obj by hand


Eden’s Flame

Release Date: September 2012
Store Product Page: Eden’s Flame



Eden's Flame

Why be the devil in a long dress, when you can dress to kill?

This classy pantsuit has all the style of a pretty dress, but without any of the flaws (like that big opening at the bottom, to name one) Featuring sexy lacing and metal hardware, as well as a utility belt with bag, this outfit is the perfect balance of function and flirt! It will work great with your Victorian or Steampunk characters… but it’s versatile enough to work for fantasy renders as well. Add any or all the pieces you want for your scene, as the conformers are all separate, for ultimate versatility.

Also includes extra materials to change it up, as well as utility materials that turn certain parts off.

===== LIST OF CONTENTS: =====

Eden’s Flame Outfit
* Corset
* Pants
* Boots
* Hat with Easy Pose Ribbon
* Holster

MATS for Figures
* Black
* Brown
* Sage
* Rust
* Tan
* Hide Ribbon on Hat


* Amazon
* Thin
* Voluptuous
* BreastsSize
* BreastsLarge
* BreastsImplant
* BreastsNatural
* HipsSize
* GlutesSize
* Fantasia
* Sylph
* Utopian
* Adjustment Morphs
* Movement Morphs for Hat Ribbon
* Style Morphs for Choker
* Bag Open/Open Fully for Belt


Using the contents of this set is pretty simple; just browse to your figures library and locate the “Eden’s Flame” folder within. In this folder are all the outfit pieces. Just click each one to load. To conform in Poser, go to figure/conform to and select Victoria 4 in the dropdown list, then hit ok. To conform in DS, simply left click on the outfit piece and hit “fit to” and choose Victoria 4.

All the pieces in the set contain many morphs, which are intended for Morphs ++ and Elite. The outfit is also superconforming. Aside from Fit Morphs, there are also adjustment morphs on all the pieces (which will further help combat any pokethru you’d encounter) Last but not least, there are movement morphs for the Hat ribbon and 5 styles for the choker. The Belt bag also has 2 open morphs.

Finally, if you’re using Poser, you may need to use V4’s magnetize poses with the outfit pieces. For the most part, it works flawlessly without it.

Aside from the outfit itself, there are also 5 full mats included in varying colors. There is a utility mat to turn off the ribbon on the hat, and a high heeled foot pose for V4. DS Optimized mats have also been included. They are DS3 compatible, and require ubersurface (for the velvet to work)

===== OTHER NOTES: =====
Color coded and labeled templates for all figures and props are available, so you can make your own textures.

All figures have blank injection channels for custom morph support

The thumbnails for the pose and light files are the standard 91X91 resolution, so that they will show properly in DAZ Studio. If you are a poser 5 or higher user and prefer the larger thumbnails (which are 125×125 in size), you can download them here: Edens Flame Thumbs

Please Note:
Bigger thumbnails will NOT work in DAZ Studio, nor lower versions of Poser, so only download these if your using Poser 5 and higher.

Instructions to install larger thumbnails:
These are set up to the same exact locations as the original sets thumbnails. To install, simply unzip it to your Poser Runtime, and overwrite the old thumbnails.

As covered in the instruction section, when using the conforming clothing in Poser, you may need to use the Magnetize clothing to V4 poses (which come with V4) so that absolutely no poke thru will occur.

Technical Support is always available. If you have questions that need answers, feel free to email me — IgnisSerpentus@damageinc3d.net